One of the most challenging tasks of a director is securing funding to sustain a quality program. Our current economy and the state of our local government is threatening to make situations darker for families and providers. I'm keeping a watchful eye on the recent DHS proposed increase for parent copay portions. I know it will impact the Infant and Toddler program operated by my agency. This program is not a federally funded entity and depends solely on tuition. Approximately 80% of families enrolled at this center received Childcare Connection subsidy support. Of this number, approximately half will be impacted by the pending increase. I honestly believe that families will elect to stay at home and care for their children instead of paying for childcare, especially if they cannot afford the tuition. It's interesting to consider how this generation of grandparents (a large majority) are working well into retirement age. Back in the 80's and early 90's, grandparents were a strong resource for childcare. Although we do see grandparents taking on the role as caregiver, the norm is different today. More children are in childcare provided by family childcare providers or preschool centers.
I have experienced the process of grant writing, which can be highly rewarding. This is entirely true when you receive a letter in the form of a grant award announcement. It's like opening the winning envelope and finding the golden ticket (like Charlie and the Chocolate Factory!). And then, there's the opposite - the "sorry to inform you" notice. It was a good try, funding. I have learned a great deal from those experiences, especially for grants that provide feedback on application reviews. The reports I received provided honest reflection on areas that required improvement.
I'm currently working on my Head Start grant application. Head Start is in the process of changing the application procedure to be a five year grant period. As it is now, it's a three year process - year one is a comprehensive grant, and year two and three are refunding applications. Year one is large and extensive, hence the term "comprehensive". My team is conducting a Community Assessment to determine how our program is meeting the needs of families we serve. In my years as a director, I can finally see the connection between each planning element imbedded within the Head Start system. There is a method to the madness, and it makes perfect sense to me now. It took me a number of years to get it - and soon it may change. I remember that someone told me that there's one thing that's consistent with Head Start and that's "change". I think that's what I find so appealing about my role and our profession. It's so diverse and NEVER boring! Each day brings a new project, new discoveries - either about a child, a parent, a staff person, or myself. I enjoy meeting new challenges and discovering my own strength and resiliency. I celebrate the growth of my staff and of our program as a whole. We're preparing for our tri-annual review, so it's been extremely busy in my office. I'm counting the days for winter break!!!
When considering my program's operating budget, I always start with salaries and fringe first. The staff is the most important part of my planning. From this starting point, I plan the budget based on priority of items. Last of all are supplies and travel - these line items are always the first to be trimmed when I need to make adjustments. I consider myself fortunate because with federal Head Start, directors receive a set budget to work with. This is very different from private preschool providers that depend on enrollment and tuition income to sustain programs. My Kahi Kamalii Infant and Toddler program operates this way - this is the program I shared about earlier, that will be impacted by the DHS proposed increase. Without tuition assistance, I will need to reconsider the budget to determine if the program can sustain 6 staff or if I need to cut enrollment. This is not a decision I want to make, however one that I need to consider. This is when I'll consult with community partners and other adminstration within my agency to consider all other options without going to the last resort of cutting enrollment and paid positions for staff. I dread this decision...
One tricky part of budgeting is doing comparative analysis with past year financial spending reports to look for trends. No matter how well you plan, directors need to always have a sort of discretionary funds to use when emergencies arise. I'm currently dealing with a potential mold spore situation at one center. The air was just tested this past weekend and I'm awaiting the results. In the meantime, the situation is not serious, however I know the cost of the testing (575.00) and any cleaning or construction if found to be active mold will increase and tap into the budget. As a director, I accept the responsibility to move forward on this concern which was brought to my attention by the teacher. What would I do if no funds were available to support this unanticipated cost? Closing the program would impact families, and not having adequate funds would result in the program closing - either choice is difficult. Fortunately the budget is equipped to anticipate minor repair work for classroom facilities.
The chapter reading on Marketing was extremely interesting! I had never thought about marketing my program before, until I attended a workshop on marketing at UCLA at a Head Start Management Fellows program. This opened my eyes to see how we need to "sell" our program to promote education about the benefits offered to families and to the community. Early childhood has historically been a humble profession - it's not common for us to promote ourselves in competition. It took a shift in my own perception to recognize that we all need to market our programs for a variety of reasons - for grant writing, to negotiate funding, to educate legislature and government officials, to gain community support, and in all other relationship building situations. I plan to review the marketing plan presented in Figure 8.1 (Decker p.204) to implement in my program. Upon returning from UCLA I updated our website and worked on obtaining information from parents on what were the five most important factors about the Head Start program. Interesting fact - being a free program was not part of the top five. I truly believe that parents do not remain in the program because it's free for those that qualify - they remain because it is a good program for young children and families. I sincerely believe this to be true for the majority of parents.
The internal and external marketing strategies are excellent tools for programs to utilize! We do practice some of the suggestions offered, however there's many that I would love to try. This will be my focus for the next program year (2010-11), after my review is completed.
My Exchange reflection is on today's message (12/7/09) - Reflecting, Disengaging, Moving On. As I read the message, my thoughts went directly to my two beautiful grandsons - Kala and Ramsey, ages 5 and 3. My daughter and the boys father divorced shortly after Ramsey was born - broke my heart to watch this family go through such a fragile experience so early in their lives. It's amazing to observe the level resiliency of the boys in each different environment -with their mother (my daughter) and our family, and with their dad and his family. The fortunate blessing is that each separate family adores the boys and provide safe, nurturing, loving interactions on a consistent basis. Sometimes I sit back and observe their reactions, thinking to myself "I wonder what's going on in their minds?". The message written today is so true - I often watch them "becoming ready for the next interesting event to invite their participation". They create their own understanding of the situation, which is all they know. For this, I am grateful and appreciate the fact that children have this wonderful sense of flexibility.
To answer the comment posted - centers do not have gardens, however that is a great suggestion - thank you! One center did attempt gardening and grew tomatoes and green beans. It's funny how children will eat what they grow, even if they don't usually eat them when offered at home!! Gotta love their sense of adventure!
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Monday, November 30, 2009
Sustainability and Health
As director of a Head Start program, I am extremely supportive of promoting good nutrition for young children. The children enrolled in Head Start programs come from families that qualify based on 100% poverty level income. This knowledge leads us to consider circumstances that may be impact young children and families. Many children come to school hungry, lacking accessibility to food at home.
Fortunately Head Start funding requires that meals are provided for children. We provide a hot breakfast, lunch, and an afternoon snack for full day programs. Children arriving to school can look forward to having a meal on a daily basis, never having to guess if food will be available or not. One challenge that we had as a program is food portion sizes. The meals are provided by DOE cafeterias, and they tend to be extremely strict with USDA serving sizes. Problems would arise when foods like hot dog, french fries, orange slices, or any food that required a set quantity per serving. In the event a piece of food falls on the ground, the staff will have to give up a part of their serving to provide children with a replacement. Another frustration is children wanting to have second servings due to hunger or because the food is a popular item. It took a great deal of negotiating with the cafeteria managers to convince them, or perhaps I should reword the process as educating them, regarding how Head Start children come to school hungry. The result was favorable, resulting in more food being offered per serving. Children and adults have adequate servings to eat until satisfied.
Another issue that affects nutrition is the quality of foods served by the cafeteria. Foods tend to be high in salt, fat, and preservatives. A large amount of the foods are highly processed with low nutrition value. One of the long term (strategic plans) for MEO Head Start is to research other food preparation services available on Maui to partner with another company. The goal is to find a program that is USDA certified, and that prepares food in a natural, whole way so nutrients are at its peak. Living in Hawaii, we have a great deal of fresh foods to offer young children. My hope to achieve this goal within the next three years.
We have a consultant nutritionist that reviews growth charts of enrolled children to determine if the child is at risk for obesity. We have, in the past, created meal plans for these children. Head Start promotes "family style" meal service, asking that children serve themselves independently. Children with weight concerns need to be monitored for serving size, with teachers available to sensitively guide children instead of placing blame or shame.
Regarding health, it's important to have policies and procedures in place that directly impact general health of young children and staff. Some ideas that we have incorporated is a child health check conducted upon arrival to school, disclosure of child allergies and other medical needs prior to enrollment so teachers and program can be designed to support child, a medication administration policy, a sick child policy, and others that promote assistance for young children.
Oral health is an important part of our health program. Several Head Start children are plagued with baby-bottle mouth where teeth are decayed at a young age due to sugary liquids that erode teeth to the gums. Dental caries are seriously dangerous for young children as it can cause painful infections and can damage future permanent teeth. The Head Start program within our state have a current initative to work collaboratively with dentist to establish a "dental home" for children and families. This means that families will have a dentist accessible regardless of the ability to pay for services.
Facilities are cleaned daily by staff, with regular parent workdays to assist with the upkeep of larger cleaning tasks (windows, etc.). Toys need to be disinfected, especially now with N1H1 concerns. I believe that young children can take part in the cleaning by using safe products like water and mild soap. Teachers can do the bleach solution part of the disinfecting, however the cleaning can be done with children's assistance. It's a good way to incorporate water play and achieve cleanliness at the same time.
Regarding safety, my program has a Accident Prevention Policies and Procedures document posted in each center location. The document offers agreements that incorporate safety precautions for adults working with young children. This includes staff and classroom volunteers.
Safety precautions also include having staff trained in CPR and First Aid, training in Mandated Reporting, and to pass all criminal clearances as required by DHS licensing.
Safety precautions include conducting monthly fire evacuations, and other practices to know what to do in case of an emergency. We actually experience one center in Lahaina that had a brush fire happen immediately outside their front door. It happened during naptime and the children were asleep. They escaped unharmed, with bare feet and many were startled from their sleep. Teachers carried them out to safety. It was an important learning experience, especially because we recognized that the playground lacked an exit to safety when the front area was threatened by fire. We are currently in the process of replacing all fenced area to include two additional gate exits from the playground.
Sustainability is a challenge for Head Start and for a large group of early childhood programs. Paying teachers what they deserve would provide no funding left over for other program operating costs. It's a problem that impacts most preschool programs. Several blogs posted reflects on the current situation with DHS and Childcare Connection. If approved, this decision has the capacity to place children in unsafe childcare situations, and force preschool programs to cut enrollment and staff. This will add to the high unemployment rate by having teachers be out of work. Having a state funded preschool program sounds like a great idea, and I'm all for it ONLY if the state steps back to provide decision making to be done exclusively by early childhood professionals. The Early Learning Council has worked long and hard to create a plan for our state. Now, due to politics and perhaps other factors, this group of dedicated professionals may not receive the level of support that was first thought to be secure. It seems like our field is taking several steps backward at this time and I find it frustrating. Programs depend on tuition to operate and, in most circumstances, tuition come from families. In order to increase wages, programs need to increase tuition. How can we operate programs of quality with limited funding? It's a sad day when tuition subsidy is threatened to be sacrificed for the economy. I predict that this decision, if passed, will replicate the furlough plan. In the longrun, the plan is not foolproof and does not come without serious consequences.
Okay...I'm off my soapbox now. I'll take a deep breath and move to my pick of the week for Exchange Everyday. I really appreciated the "Getting Unstuck" feature on Nov. 26, 2009. The suggestions offered by Jessica Seck Marquis are great ideas, especially the "shimmy and shake" recommendation. I love working out - it creates a diversion of thinking and allows me to do something good for my body. It's a means of stress management. Some of my best ideas are generated during my workouts, therefore I fully agree the creativity does flow much more when I move my body. The third suggestion of "Dream" is what gets us to our goals. I've been told that the most successful leaders had one thing in common - a vision. As an administrator, I have a vision of my program. I see its potential and work collaboratively with staff and parents to build systems to get us there. I know this will happen in time.
In response to the posted comment, I do believe that teachers can balance their objectivity and love for children at the same time. While doing assessments, we capture snapshots of children to build an individual plan that supports cognitive, motor, language or social /emotional development. The preschool stories support these snapshots by putting it into a narrative form. It's like words of a song written on paper, then playing it to music. The two flow together to create a completed piece. Assessment and the stories flow together to create an image of a complete person - in this case, a child's story. I fully understand how we need to objectively look at children, however we can still make determinations based on fact and write stories about those experiences. Each one would be different because it represents an individual child - so precious and so uniquely authentic.
Fortunately Head Start funding requires that meals are provided for children. We provide a hot breakfast, lunch, and an afternoon snack for full day programs. Children arriving to school can look forward to having a meal on a daily basis, never having to guess if food will be available or not. One challenge that we had as a program is food portion sizes. The meals are provided by DOE cafeterias, and they tend to be extremely strict with USDA serving sizes. Problems would arise when foods like hot dog, french fries, orange slices, or any food that required a set quantity per serving. In the event a piece of food falls on the ground, the staff will have to give up a part of their serving to provide children with a replacement. Another frustration is children wanting to have second servings due to hunger or because the food is a popular item. It took a great deal of negotiating with the cafeteria managers to convince them, or perhaps I should reword the process as educating them, regarding how Head Start children come to school hungry. The result was favorable, resulting in more food being offered per serving. Children and adults have adequate servings to eat until satisfied.
Another issue that affects nutrition is the quality of foods served by the cafeteria. Foods tend to be high in salt, fat, and preservatives. A large amount of the foods are highly processed with low nutrition value. One of the long term (strategic plans) for MEO Head Start is to research other food preparation services available on Maui to partner with another company. The goal is to find a program that is USDA certified, and that prepares food in a natural, whole way so nutrients are at its peak. Living in Hawaii, we have a great deal of fresh foods to offer young children. My hope to achieve this goal within the next three years.
We have a consultant nutritionist that reviews growth charts of enrolled children to determine if the child is at risk for obesity. We have, in the past, created meal plans for these children. Head Start promotes "family style" meal service, asking that children serve themselves independently. Children with weight concerns need to be monitored for serving size, with teachers available to sensitively guide children instead of placing blame or shame.
Regarding health, it's important to have policies and procedures in place that directly impact general health of young children and staff. Some ideas that we have incorporated is a child health check conducted upon arrival to school, disclosure of child allergies and other medical needs prior to enrollment so teachers and program can be designed to support child, a medication administration policy, a sick child policy, and others that promote assistance for young children.
Oral health is an important part of our health program. Several Head Start children are plagued with baby-bottle mouth where teeth are decayed at a young age due to sugary liquids that erode teeth to the gums. Dental caries are seriously dangerous for young children as it can cause painful infections and can damage future permanent teeth. The Head Start program within our state have a current initative to work collaboratively with dentist to establish a "dental home" for children and families. This means that families will have a dentist accessible regardless of the ability to pay for services.
Facilities are cleaned daily by staff, with regular parent workdays to assist with the upkeep of larger cleaning tasks (windows, etc.). Toys need to be disinfected, especially now with N1H1 concerns. I believe that young children can take part in the cleaning by using safe products like water and mild soap. Teachers can do the bleach solution part of the disinfecting, however the cleaning can be done with children's assistance. It's a good way to incorporate water play and achieve cleanliness at the same time.
Regarding safety, my program has a Accident Prevention Policies and Procedures document posted in each center location. The document offers agreements that incorporate safety precautions for adults working with young children. This includes staff and classroom volunteers.
Safety precautions also include having staff trained in CPR and First Aid, training in Mandated Reporting, and to pass all criminal clearances as required by DHS licensing.
Safety precautions include conducting monthly fire evacuations, and other practices to know what to do in case of an emergency. We actually experience one center in Lahaina that had a brush fire happen immediately outside their front door. It happened during naptime and the children were asleep. They escaped unharmed, with bare feet and many were startled from their sleep. Teachers carried them out to safety. It was an important learning experience, especially because we recognized that the playground lacked an exit to safety when the front area was threatened by fire. We are currently in the process of replacing all fenced area to include two additional gate exits from the playground.
Sustainability is a challenge for Head Start and for a large group of early childhood programs. Paying teachers what they deserve would provide no funding left over for other program operating costs. It's a problem that impacts most preschool programs. Several blogs posted reflects on the current situation with DHS and Childcare Connection. If approved, this decision has the capacity to place children in unsafe childcare situations, and force preschool programs to cut enrollment and staff. This will add to the high unemployment rate by having teachers be out of work. Having a state funded preschool program sounds like a great idea, and I'm all for it ONLY if the state steps back to provide decision making to be done exclusively by early childhood professionals. The Early Learning Council has worked long and hard to create a plan for our state. Now, due to politics and perhaps other factors, this group of dedicated professionals may not receive the level of support that was first thought to be secure. It seems like our field is taking several steps backward at this time and I find it frustrating. Programs depend on tuition to operate and, in most circumstances, tuition come from families. In order to increase wages, programs need to increase tuition. How can we operate programs of quality with limited funding? It's a sad day when tuition subsidy is threatened to be sacrificed for the economy. I predict that this decision, if passed, will replicate the furlough plan. In the longrun, the plan is not foolproof and does not come without serious consequences.
Okay...I'm off my soapbox now. I'll take a deep breath and move to my pick of the week for Exchange Everyday. I really appreciated the "Getting Unstuck" feature on Nov. 26, 2009. The suggestions offered by Jessica Seck Marquis are great ideas, especially the "shimmy and shake" recommendation. I love working out - it creates a diversion of thinking and allows me to do something good for my body. It's a means of stress management. Some of my best ideas are generated during my workouts, therefore I fully agree the creativity does flow much more when I move my body. The third suggestion of "Dream" is what gets us to our goals. I've been told that the most successful leaders had one thing in common - a vision. As an administrator, I have a vision of my program. I see its potential and work collaboratively with staff and parents to build systems to get us there. I know this will happen in time.
In response to the posted comment, I do believe that teachers can balance their objectivity and love for children at the same time. While doing assessments, we capture snapshots of children to build an individual plan that supports cognitive, motor, language or social /emotional development. The preschool stories support these snapshots by putting it into a narrative form. It's like words of a song written on paper, then playing it to music. The two flow together to create a completed piece. Assessment and the stories flow together to create an image of a complete person - in this case, a child's story. I fully understand how we need to objectively look at children, however we can still make determinations based on fact and write stories about those experiences. Each one would be different because it represents an individual child - so precious and so uniquely authentic.
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Preschool Stories
I just finished the Preschool Stories readings, including the two stories focused on Sarah's preschool experiences. I admire the teachers for taking time to create the stories which were authentic representations of a child's life. The stories were priceless!
I found the collage activity extremely valuable. It was disappointing that we could not see the father's collage; to gain his perspective of how he saw his daughter. It was interesting to see the various ways that each person saw Sarah - how they captured her characteristics in a visual way. I could see the serious thought that went into creating each collage.
The preschool stories reflected Sarah as the person. In reading the stories, I could see how intimate the relationships were between Sarah and her teacher. I was impressed to read how honest Dianne was in sharing her thoughts comparing report cards to the preschool stories. She felt that the stories were non-judgmental and more understanding of the whole child. She stated that "The teacher's really know your child". I believe this to be a true statement.
Many educational programs focus on numbers and results. The preschool stories captured the heart and soul of Sarah - the process of her life and characteristics that reflected who Sarah is as a person. Many times, preschool and elementary school focus on measuring the child's accomplishments regarding academic progress. The preschool stories are so much more meaningful for the child, family and teachers. It shows such a strong relationship between the teacher and child. If so much emphasis is placed on measuring academics, how can teachers build a meaningful relationship with children?
The reading presented the thought of rethinking how school is structured. In reflecting about the Head Start program, I feel that so much energy is placed on collecting data regarding child outcomes - How many letters can a child recognize? Can a child count up to ten? I cannot move away from this level of assessment and data collection as the federal funding for Head Start is contingent to meeting set outcomes established by the Office of Head Start. My challenge is to merge this information to become preschool stories.
Ideas that I would like to take and implement include the preschool stories, the parent collages - done separately by mother and father, and encouraging the teachers to also present a collage. I believe that teachers can capture stories through digital camera and by collecting data as they build relationships with the child. I like the idea of providing the stories to the child and family at the end of the program year.
I could see how Dianne sincerely appreciated the preschool stories of Sarah. She acknowledged that her voice was definitely embedded into the story. It was completely interesting to see the connection between the preschool stories and the person that Sarah is today. This confirms that the teachers definitely knew the person that Sarah was at the time she attended preschool.
The narratives were written with such rich detail. The preschool stories present a perfect blueprint to use as a model document as programs evaluate options of assessment. I will most definitely consider implementing preschool stories in my program. I see the value and the benefit to the child, the family, and the teachers.
I found the collage activity extremely valuable. It was disappointing that we could not see the father's collage; to gain his perspective of how he saw his daughter. It was interesting to see the various ways that each person saw Sarah - how they captured her characteristics in a visual way. I could see the serious thought that went into creating each collage.
The preschool stories reflected Sarah as the person. In reading the stories, I could see how intimate the relationships were between Sarah and her teacher. I was impressed to read how honest Dianne was in sharing her thoughts comparing report cards to the preschool stories. She felt that the stories were non-judgmental and more understanding of the whole child. She stated that "The teacher's really know your child". I believe this to be a true statement.
Many educational programs focus on numbers and results. The preschool stories captured the heart and soul of Sarah - the process of her life and characteristics that reflected who Sarah is as a person. Many times, preschool and elementary school focus on measuring the child's accomplishments regarding academic progress. The preschool stories are so much more meaningful for the child, family and teachers. It shows such a strong relationship between the teacher and child. If so much emphasis is placed on measuring academics, how can teachers build a meaningful relationship with children?
The reading presented the thought of rethinking how school is structured. In reflecting about the Head Start program, I feel that so much energy is placed on collecting data regarding child outcomes - How many letters can a child recognize? Can a child count up to ten? I cannot move away from this level of assessment and data collection as the federal funding for Head Start is contingent to meeting set outcomes established by the Office of Head Start. My challenge is to merge this information to become preschool stories.
Ideas that I would like to take and implement include the preschool stories, the parent collages - done separately by mother and father, and encouraging the teachers to also present a collage. I believe that teachers can capture stories through digital camera and by collecting data as they build relationships with the child. I like the idea of providing the stories to the child and family at the end of the program year.
I could see how Dianne sincerely appreciated the preschool stories of Sarah. She acknowledged that her voice was definitely embedded into the story. It was completely interesting to see the connection between the preschool stories and the person that Sarah is today. This confirms that the teachers definitely knew the person that Sarah was at the time she attended preschool.
The narratives were written with such rich detail. The preschool stories present a perfect blueprint to use as a model document as programs evaluate options of assessment. I will most definitely consider implementing preschool stories in my program. I see the value and the benefit to the child, the family, and the teachers.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
The Value of Assessments
I had limited experiences with assessments during the years I worked as a preschool teacher. I learned a great deal about assessments with young children when I was hired by MEO Head Start. I started as the Education Specialist, providing support and resources for Head Start teachers. I wrote policies (known to the Head Start world as Program Service Area Plans) connected to doing assessments. This essential piece of data collecting is an important part of Head Start. Assessment is included in the Head Start Performance Standards, which is the criteria used to measure service delivery within programs.
In reading the Decker text, I am most familiar with the Creative Curriculum Developmental Continuum and Work Sampling System (Portfolio). MEO Head Start incorporates both assessment systems and each is valuable in meeting performance standard requirements.
The Creative Curriculum is the curriculum model practiced in my program. Parents have an opportunity to review different options of curriculum models and have chosen the Creative Curriculum to be implemented. I appreciate many factors about the Creative Curriculum Developmental Continuum. One of the forms used for parent/teacher conferences include opportunities to inquire about observations and goal setting. Parents are invited to offer observations made at home regarding their child. Parents are also invited to provide input in designing an individual developmental plan for their child. For many parents, this process can be a challenging task. I encourage teachers to utilize this process and use the time to offer information on child development. On numerous occasions, parents will offer suggestions like: I want my child to read. The teacher can use this time to share information with parents on the process of recognizing letters, how reading aloud can support this plan, and what questions to ask when reading to their child to generate vocabulary and cognitive skills. The teacher can offer a list of books that young children enjoy based on their predictability, which encourage children to "read along" with the reader.
I believe that the portfolio (work sampling system) provides tangible evidence that reflect growth and development in a visual way. This is a perfect way to connect understanding of process with parents. Most options of assessment tools are provided in written form. This can be intimidating for parents, causing a sense of mystery to pose the question "what does all this really mean?". Portfolio assessments provide a wide variety of samples that include photos, artifacts of authentic experiences of the children, and documentation captured by teachers within the learning environment.
The Decker text provides a wide range of various assessment tools for young children. When I think about assessments for young children, I value the process as a means of collecting data to plan. Assessments provide an opportunity to teachers to analyze data to create meaningful experiences for young children. Additional to this, programs can use assessment in planning for staff development. I enjoyed reading the report "The Quality of Assessment in Early Childhood Education" of November 2007. The Education Review Office (ERO) used the data collected to make program improvements. In my role as a program administrator, I utilize the data by reviewing center reports separately to determine program strengths. The information collected reflects fifteen different locations throughout MEO Head Start. In an effort to make plans for staff development, for professional development, and for program improvements, it's critical to consider all evidence available to make good decisions.
I believe that programs have the potential to evolve and change to meet the needs of our children, our families, our staff, and our communities. This is my goal as a director. While striving to create an optimal space for learning, adults responsible for administrating programs for young children need to consider all data when planning.
Exchange Every Day offered inspiring words of Creativity on November 13, 2009. I found it extremely interesting that blue was identified as a color that increased creativity. Several of our classrooms are painted light blue. This has always been one of my favorite classroom colors because I thought it was so calming. Little did I know that it offers a whole other benefit!! Creativity is one item that requires no evaluation as each person has their own style, originality, and personality. in my opinion, there is no way a teacher can measure a child's creativity - each child is considered highly creative when provided with opportunities to be an individual. As teachers, we need to celebrate creativity by designing spaces that display diversity and expressive art experiences.
In reading the Decker text, I am most familiar with the Creative Curriculum Developmental Continuum and Work Sampling System (Portfolio). MEO Head Start incorporates both assessment systems and each is valuable in meeting performance standard requirements.
The Creative Curriculum is the curriculum model practiced in my program. Parents have an opportunity to review different options of curriculum models and have chosen the Creative Curriculum to be implemented. I appreciate many factors about the Creative Curriculum Developmental Continuum. One of the forms used for parent/teacher conferences include opportunities to inquire about observations and goal setting. Parents are invited to offer observations made at home regarding their child. Parents are also invited to provide input in designing an individual developmental plan for their child. For many parents, this process can be a challenging task. I encourage teachers to utilize this process and use the time to offer information on child development. On numerous occasions, parents will offer suggestions like: I want my child to read. The teacher can use this time to share information with parents on the process of recognizing letters, how reading aloud can support this plan, and what questions to ask when reading to their child to generate vocabulary and cognitive skills. The teacher can offer a list of books that young children enjoy based on their predictability, which encourage children to "read along" with the reader.
I believe that the portfolio (work sampling system) provides tangible evidence that reflect growth and development in a visual way. This is a perfect way to connect understanding of process with parents. Most options of assessment tools are provided in written form. This can be intimidating for parents, causing a sense of mystery to pose the question "what does all this really mean?". Portfolio assessments provide a wide variety of samples that include photos, artifacts of authentic experiences of the children, and documentation captured by teachers within the learning environment.
The Decker text provides a wide range of various assessment tools for young children. When I think about assessments for young children, I value the process as a means of collecting data to plan. Assessments provide an opportunity to teachers to analyze data to create meaningful experiences for young children. Additional to this, programs can use assessment in planning for staff development. I enjoyed reading the report "The Quality of Assessment in Early Childhood Education" of November 2007. The Education Review Office (ERO) used the data collected to make program improvements. In my role as a program administrator, I utilize the data by reviewing center reports separately to determine program strengths. The information collected reflects fifteen different locations throughout MEO Head Start. In an effort to make plans for staff development, for professional development, and for program improvements, it's critical to consider all evidence available to make good decisions.
I believe that programs have the potential to evolve and change to meet the needs of our children, our families, our staff, and our communities. This is my goal as a director. While striving to create an optimal space for learning, adults responsible for administrating programs for young children need to consider all data when planning.
Exchange Every Day offered inspiring words of Creativity on November 13, 2009. I found it extremely interesting that blue was identified as a color that increased creativity. Several of our classrooms are painted light blue. This has always been one of my favorite classroom colors because I thought it was so calming. Little did I know that it offers a whole other benefit!! Creativity is one item that requires no evaluation as each person has their own style, originality, and personality. in my opinion, there is no way a teacher can measure a child's creativity - each child is considered highly creative when provided with opportunities to be an individual. As teachers, we need to celebrate creativity by designing spaces that display diversity and expressive art experiences.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
The Hundred is There!
What would it be like to teach at the Helen Gordon Child Development Center? It seems that all the environmental aspects, primarily created for young children, exist within the walls of this space. The experience of teaching children in a center of this caliber is intriguing, and certainly a dream worthy of contemplating. This reading offers a sampling of ways to incorporate ideas in our actual environments at home here in Hawaii.
The entryway and pathways - an interesting perspective to consider from the lens of a child and parents walking into a center or program office for the first time. The reading presented displays in the form of "stories". These collections create spaces that are alive, as the stories represent actual experiences of the children residing at the center. The photos and documentation presents current life as it is lived by the children - it shows the progression of life, discovery, and change in the form of developmental transitions. Based on the reading, I conclude that each area represents currently enrolled children and is updated with new stories on a regular basis. Spaces become less alive - or stagnant and stifled - when stories are the same day in and day out. Change represents life, and it each day brings new stories. It's not to say that drawings and paintings need to be changed daily. It is to say that teachers need to pay attention to items presented and keep stories fresh.
Transition spaces and classrooms - such an important piece of thought that we sometimes miss; the creation of beauty within spaces for children. The aesthetic qualities of a classroom space - both indoor and out, require thought and planning. In Hawaii, where sunlight is a regular occurrence, we can take advantage of this precious resource. Several of the centers I previewed on the website had large, open spaces with windowed ceilings that allows natural light to stream into the room. When thinking about it - we would normally use natural light at home during the day, therefore a space for young children with natural lighting would represent a more authentic home setting.
The "daily pages" made me smile as I reflected back to a preschool experience during my earlier years as a teacher. The preschool I worked at offered "Today I...", designed to meet the same goals as the daily pages activity presented in our reading. The page that I learned to create took a series of 5 minutes to document. It was a means to chronologically document our day so parents could create meaningful conversations with children. I shared this idea with my Head Start teachers years ago - some teachers embraced the idea and others did not. I want to reintroduce this to my staff as I realize the value of this simple activity, and how it opens pathways for parents to connect with their children.
Items from nature strike me as such a special touch to include in spaces for young children. I prefer to see real plants, natural weaved baskets instead of plastic bins, and containers made of ceramic materials. In one of my centers, I saw a beautiful ceramic container holding color pencils. The container is simple, yet very visually pleasing. My attention goes to that particular object every time I enter the environment. It's amazing how natural items offer a variety of textures for children to explore. Teachers that offer natural materials for children to manipulate increase sensory exploration. I liked the idea of metal buckets instead of plastic bins; what a great idea!
I appreciated the idea of looking at children's work "as representation of their thinking, their feelings, and their creative expression". This, in my opinion, is what keeps the environment alive - the description offered by Parnell reflects life in the form of thinking, feeling, and expression. In response to Jeanne's comments regarding how to create spaces full of life, the article captured this thought best by this statement: "The environment generates a sort of psychic skin, an energy-giving second skin made of writings, images, materials, objects, and colors, which reveals the presence of the children even in their absence." (Ceppi & Zini, 1998, p. 25)
The reading presented the value of teachers and their role within the environment. Teachers have "camera-like eyes and recording-like ears". This is such a tangible way to represent how teachers impact relationships with children to support learning.
I reviewed three different environments on the DesignShare website:
Center #1 - The Children's School: the environment offered large open spaces and rooms that allowed natural light to shine in.
Center #2 - Mother's Club: this program was designed for families living in poverty and a generational program. The center provided a large area of window space, and the roof held several panels of photovoltaic tiles - enough to provide 20% electricity to operate the facility. The outdoors offer a natural stream bed and an authentic hand pump.
Center #3 - Head Start at Windermere: I wanted to check this program out as a sister Head Start program. It was cool to see a Lighthouse (it looks 100% real) as the entrance into the center. The space was colorful and open with a long corridor that offered opportunities for children and adults to visually connect with their environment. Natural light illuminated the space where children spent their time.
In response to comments offered by Jeanne, I have to say that an administrator's role is to provide readings such as "The Hundred is There!" to staff for review and discussion, for reflection and consideration. Administrators need to allocate budget funding assigned specific to materials for space. If possible, administrators need to be highly involved in the process of creating spaces for children, families, and staff. I had that opportunity while planning for an Infant/Toddler center shared by my agency and a partnering agency. I found the experience to be completely rewarding, especially after seeing the facility as a completed center with children actively participating within. Administrators need to remain connected to the program setting, paying close attention to how the space feels in order to keep it alive.
The main criteria is to "reveal the presence of children even in their absence" - that's it in one thought. As important as the community is to the program it serves, I believe the goal of keeping the setting alive is the responsibility of the teacher. The teacher is open to invite the community to provide support in the means of being involved partners.
Carolyn - your comments made me smile and laugh! I savored your sense of humor and could relate completely with your feelings of being overwhelmed at times. I know your program's director (Lynn) and work closely with all Head Start directors within the state. We are so fortunate to have the opportunity to touch so many children that benefit from programs like Head Start.
In most situations in Hawaii, we inherent spaces and accept what settings are presented to us. Our challenge is to alter these settings to enhance aesthetic qualities with a focus on light, texture, natural materials, and how these connect to the physical space. As administrators, we have the flexibility of selecting staff that fill these spaces. When space and teachers combine, the energy and power created together can result in endless possibilities!
The Exchange messages focus on the H1N1 (Oct. 27 - Swine Flu Update and Nov. 4 - H1N1 Flu and Your Program) which is timely as a national health concern. Our program has installed hand sanitizers throughout the office spaces. We're taking other measures, including sending home notices of flu symptoms, what to do if your child gets sick, the importance of handwashing (and handwashing, and handwashing...), and restating our sick child policy. The Nov. 4 message captured the reality of this potential pandemic. Children remain vulnerable candidates of this dangerous illness. I'll continue watching Exchange for more information from a national viewpoint.
The entryway and pathways - an interesting perspective to consider from the lens of a child and parents walking into a center or program office for the first time. The reading presented displays in the form of "stories". These collections create spaces that are alive, as the stories represent actual experiences of the children residing at the center. The photos and documentation presents current life as it is lived by the children - it shows the progression of life, discovery, and change in the form of developmental transitions. Based on the reading, I conclude that each area represents currently enrolled children and is updated with new stories on a regular basis. Spaces become less alive - or stagnant and stifled - when stories are the same day in and day out. Change represents life, and it each day brings new stories. It's not to say that drawings and paintings need to be changed daily. It is to say that teachers need to pay attention to items presented and keep stories fresh.
Transition spaces and classrooms - such an important piece of thought that we sometimes miss; the creation of beauty within spaces for children. The aesthetic qualities of a classroom space - both indoor and out, require thought and planning. In Hawaii, where sunlight is a regular occurrence, we can take advantage of this precious resource. Several of the centers I previewed on the website had large, open spaces with windowed ceilings that allows natural light to stream into the room. When thinking about it - we would normally use natural light at home during the day, therefore a space for young children with natural lighting would represent a more authentic home setting.
The "daily pages" made me smile as I reflected back to a preschool experience during my earlier years as a teacher. The preschool I worked at offered "Today I...", designed to meet the same goals as the daily pages activity presented in our reading. The page that I learned to create took a series of 5 minutes to document. It was a means to chronologically document our day so parents could create meaningful conversations with children. I shared this idea with my Head Start teachers years ago - some teachers embraced the idea and others did not. I want to reintroduce this to my staff as I realize the value of this simple activity, and how it opens pathways for parents to connect with their children.
Items from nature strike me as such a special touch to include in spaces for young children. I prefer to see real plants, natural weaved baskets instead of plastic bins, and containers made of ceramic materials. In one of my centers, I saw a beautiful ceramic container holding color pencils. The container is simple, yet very visually pleasing. My attention goes to that particular object every time I enter the environment. It's amazing how natural items offer a variety of textures for children to explore. Teachers that offer natural materials for children to manipulate increase sensory exploration. I liked the idea of metal buckets instead of plastic bins; what a great idea!
I appreciated the idea of looking at children's work "as representation of their thinking, their feelings, and their creative expression". This, in my opinion, is what keeps the environment alive - the description offered by Parnell reflects life in the form of thinking, feeling, and expression. In response to Jeanne's comments regarding how to create spaces full of life, the article captured this thought best by this statement: "The environment generates a sort of psychic skin, an energy-giving second skin made of writings, images, materials, objects, and colors, which reveals the presence of the children even in their absence." (Ceppi & Zini, 1998, p. 25)
The reading presented the value of teachers and their role within the environment. Teachers have "camera-like eyes and recording-like ears". This is such a tangible way to represent how teachers impact relationships with children to support learning.
I reviewed three different environments on the DesignShare website:
Center #1 - The Children's School: the environment offered large open spaces and rooms that allowed natural light to shine in.
Center #2 - Mother's Club: this program was designed for families living in poverty and a generational program. The center provided a large area of window space, and the roof held several panels of photovoltaic tiles - enough to provide 20% electricity to operate the facility. The outdoors offer a natural stream bed and an authentic hand pump.
Center #3 - Head Start at Windermere: I wanted to check this program out as a sister Head Start program. It was cool to see a Lighthouse (it looks 100% real) as the entrance into the center. The space was colorful and open with a long corridor that offered opportunities for children and adults to visually connect with their environment. Natural light illuminated the space where children spent their time.
In response to comments offered by Jeanne, I have to say that an administrator's role is to provide readings such as "The Hundred is There!" to staff for review and discussion, for reflection and consideration. Administrators need to allocate budget funding assigned specific to materials for space. If possible, administrators need to be highly involved in the process of creating spaces for children, families, and staff. I had that opportunity while planning for an Infant/Toddler center shared by my agency and a partnering agency. I found the experience to be completely rewarding, especially after seeing the facility as a completed center with children actively participating within. Administrators need to remain connected to the program setting, paying close attention to how the space feels in order to keep it alive.
The main criteria is to "reveal the presence of children even in their absence" - that's it in one thought. As important as the community is to the program it serves, I believe the goal of keeping the setting alive is the responsibility of the teacher. The teacher is open to invite the community to provide support in the means of being involved partners.
Carolyn - your comments made me smile and laugh! I savored your sense of humor and could relate completely with your feelings of being overwhelmed at times. I know your program's director (Lynn) and work closely with all Head Start directors within the state. We are so fortunate to have the opportunity to touch so many children that benefit from programs like Head Start.
In most situations in Hawaii, we inherent spaces and accept what settings are presented to us. Our challenge is to alter these settings to enhance aesthetic qualities with a focus on light, texture, natural materials, and how these connect to the physical space. As administrators, we have the flexibility of selecting staff that fill these spaces. When space and teachers combine, the energy and power created together can result in endless possibilities!
The Exchange messages focus on the H1N1 (Oct. 27 - Swine Flu Update and Nov. 4 - H1N1 Flu and Your Program) which is timely as a national health concern. Our program has installed hand sanitizers throughout the office spaces. We're taking other measures, including sending home notices of flu symptoms, what to do if your child gets sick, the importance of handwashing (and handwashing, and handwashing...), and restating our sick child policy. The Nov. 4 message captured the reality of this potential pandemic. Children remain vulnerable candidates of this dangerous illness. I'll continue watching Exchange for more information from a national viewpoint.
Monday, November 2, 2009
Caring Spaces, Learning Spaces
I found the reading (Some Characteristics of Space by Greenman) to be extremely specific in describing environments for young children. Each section offered a wealth of information to consider. As a teacher and administrator, I compared the information with environments I offer young children and their families.
On page 76, the author offered examples of patterns, quoting Christopher Alexander. Patterns being labeled with the feel of "aliveness" provides a sense that life exists in the area - that one can breathe in the environment. The opposite was portrayed by "deadness" being a "result of a bad connection." I savored the statement that closed the reading by asking designers to "consider qualities that create human spaces that promote feelings and behavior that bring out the best in people."
Environments do play a tremendous role in setting the mood. I was fortunate to stay at a hotel this past weekend in Wailea, Maui. The grounds was well manicured, the lobby was beautiful with large ornate bouquets of fresh flowers, and the room itself offered soothing colors of turquoise, soft yellow, pale grey, and beige. Soft pillows, uncomplicated wall hangings, natural wood furniture - all adding to the overall effect of the room. I felt a sense of relaxation the moment I walked through the doorway. The rooms, the grounds, and all areas supporting guest services offered environments that promoted a feeling - tranquility, soft, relaxation, and peaceful surrender to all stresses of the world. One part of the hotel offered a pool for adults only - no children and no cell phones. Another area offered a family pool with a slide and other fun activities. It was evident that the hotel was designed for their customers, regardless of a single person, a couple on a honeymoon, or a family on their first Hawaii vacation.
This is an important factor in designing an environment for young children and families. Do we ask ourselves how we can design a caring space for our customers? This is an important reflection to consider as spaces are created for learning.
Regarding doorways - I can fully connect to the section that discussed how it feels to walk into a room after the party started. My program uses this same analogy in our request for children to arrive on time to school. Having a friendly face to welcome a child and their parent or loving adult at the doorway is equally important to a positive entry. The entire experience is interconnected - one without the other would not have the overall impact of welcome.
I found the section that recommended adults to go on their knees to gain a child's perspective to be quite inspiring. It's essential to consider eye level artwork posting, or the environmental design as it relates to crawlers, toddlers, preschoolers, babies in arms, and adults.
I have embraced a calling to create spaces dedicated for parents within each Head Start center in my program. I realized prior to our reading (however our reading reaffirmed my commitment) that parents need a space to call their own - a space that welcomes them to come and visit and stay for awhile. The reading addressed this important point - how parents or adults are asked to sit in small chairs. An indirect message, which is completely not an intended feeling, is that parents can visit for a short period of time - for about the amount of time your behind (or knees) can tolerate those tiny chairs. My dream is to option a grant through foundation dollars to purchase comfortable sofas and chairs for parents to sit, talk story, play with their children, read stories, or just to relax. The space will be designed to say "stay awhile, as long as you like."
The reading offered a vast perspective to consider as we design environments for children birth to five. The reading summarized the core by stating "For children space is the terrain from which they learn, not a site they learn in." Teachers need to be intentional in setting up the environment with critical consideration of materials and arrangement.
I returned from the Family Strengthening Summit in Atlanta feeling a sense of renewed energy and inspiration. I used my downtime in between sessions to reflect on my own life. For the past couple of weeks, I've been extremely overwhelmed with work deadlines, school deadlines, assignments, preparing for a federal review, preparing for a federal grant was consuming me. This impacted quality time with family, husband, and myself (missing workouts became a daily event). During my hours of reflection, I concluded the need to refocus on my priorities - my own family and my health. I'm turning 49 and realized that it's critical to achieve balance in all things. In the Exchange article dated Oct. 30, 2009 (Coping with Anxiety), I found a message that I could completely relate to at this moment. The idea to "set aside worry time" is so relevant to my situation and to many others that struggle to address various situations related to program operations. I have instinctively adopted a similar practice - I have a tablet on the side of my bed and use this as a tool to write important items down before I go to sleep. These could include items that I'm worrying about, or things that I need to remember to do the next day. If I don't write it down, I carry it into bed which affects my ability to have a peaceful nights sleep.
I have read that people have tendencies to take shallow breathes when challenged or stressed. I have recently started taking yoga, which encourages taking deep breathes and breathing deep from the belly and exhaling all air out. This takes some thought and intention - it should be a regular practice, however it's not - especially when I'm busy or multitasking. Living in the moment (moment to moment) is a great practice to implement on a daily basis - tense or not, it's a great habit to develop.
On page 76, the author offered examples of patterns, quoting Christopher Alexander. Patterns being labeled with the feel of "aliveness" provides a sense that life exists in the area - that one can breathe in the environment. The opposite was portrayed by "deadness" being a "result of a bad connection." I savored the statement that closed the reading by asking designers to "consider qualities that create human spaces that promote feelings and behavior that bring out the best in people."
Environments do play a tremendous role in setting the mood. I was fortunate to stay at a hotel this past weekend in Wailea, Maui. The grounds was well manicured, the lobby was beautiful with large ornate bouquets of fresh flowers, and the room itself offered soothing colors of turquoise, soft yellow, pale grey, and beige. Soft pillows, uncomplicated wall hangings, natural wood furniture - all adding to the overall effect of the room. I felt a sense of relaxation the moment I walked through the doorway. The rooms, the grounds, and all areas supporting guest services offered environments that promoted a feeling - tranquility, soft, relaxation, and peaceful surrender to all stresses of the world. One part of the hotel offered a pool for adults only - no children and no cell phones. Another area offered a family pool with a slide and other fun activities. It was evident that the hotel was designed for their customers, regardless of a single person, a couple on a honeymoon, or a family on their first Hawaii vacation.
This is an important factor in designing an environment for young children and families. Do we ask ourselves how we can design a caring space for our customers? This is an important reflection to consider as spaces are created for learning.
Regarding doorways - I can fully connect to the section that discussed how it feels to walk into a room after the party started. My program uses this same analogy in our request for children to arrive on time to school. Having a friendly face to welcome a child and their parent or loving adult at the doorway is equally important to a positive entry. The entire experience is interconnected - one without the other would not have the overall impact of welcome.
I found the section that recommended adults to go on their knees to gain a child's perspective to be quite inspiring. It's essential to consider eye level artwork posting, or the environmental design as it relates to crawlers, toddlers, preschoolers, babies in arms, and adults.
I have embraced a calling to create spaces dedicated for parents within each Head Start center in my program. I realized prior to our reading (however our reading reaffirmed my commitment) that parents need a space to call their own - a space that welcomes them to come and visit and stay for awhile. The reading addressed this important point - how parents or adults are asked to sit in small chairs. An indirect message, which is completely not an intended feeling, is that parents can visit for a short period of time - for about the amount of time your behind (or knees) can tolerate those tiny chairs. My dream is to option a grant through foundation dollars to purchase comfortable sofas and chairs for parents to sit, talk story, play with their children, read stories, or just to relax. The space will be designed to say "stay awhile, as long as you like."
The reading offered a vast perspective to consider as we design environments for children birth to five. The reading summarized the core by stating "For children space is the terrain from which they learn, not a site they learn in." Teachers need to be intentional in setting up the environment with critical consideration of materials and arrangement.
I returned from the Family Strengthening Summit in Atlanta feeling a sense of renewed energy and inspiration. I used my downtime in between sessions to reflect on my own life. For the past couple of weeks, I've been extremely overwhelmed with work deadlines, school deadlines, assignments, preparing for a federal review, preparing for a federal grant was consuming me. This impacted quality time with family, husband, and myself (missing workouts became a daily event). During my hours of reflection, I concluded the need to refocus on my priorities - my own family and my health. I'm turning 49 and realized that it's critical to achieve balance in all things. In the Exchange article dated Oct. 30, 2009 (Coping with Anxiety), I found a message that I could completely relate to at this moment. The idea to "set aside worry time" is so relevant to my situation and to many others that struggle to address various situations related to program operations. I have instinctively adopted a similar practice - I have a tablet on the side of my bed and use this as a tool to write important items down before I go to sleep. These could include items that I'm worrying about, or things that I need to remember to do the next day. If I don't write it down, I carry it into bed which affects my ability to have a peaceful nights sleep.
I have read that people have tendencies to take shallow breathes when challenged or stressed. I have recently started taking yoga, which encourages taking deep breathes and breathing deep from the belly and exhaling all air out. This takes some thought and intention - it should be a regular practice, however it's not - especially when I'm busy or multitasking. Living in the moment (moment to moment) is a great practice to implement on a daily basis - tense or not, it's a great habit to develop.
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Involving Families as partners
My message this week will be short, yet extremely relevant to the reading. I'm leaving tomorrow for a week long conference in Atlanta, GA. The conference is a Family Strengthening Summit, which will be attended by hundreds of programs throughout the nation that offer "exemplary" practices. The practices are focused on preventing child abuse and neglect.
In 2003, my program was assessed by individuals representing the Center for Social Policy. The end result of a one week review was a letter congratulating the program for meeting criteria necessary to be considered exemplary. My goal in attending this conference is to gain ideas from other programs that I can bring back to Maui and implement, or share with other partners. It's amazing how we, as professionals, connect and share ideas with the intent to spread a positive message throughout communities.
I attended this same summit in San Diego back in 2007. I learned that many states have changed the "Child Abuse and Prevention Month", to "Family Strengthening Month". I liked the feel of this title much better and offered it as a suggestion to some state representatives connected to supporting families. Unfortunately, they were not ready to embrace the same level of understanding that I had - so it remains child abuse and prevention.
Family Strengthening requires a high level of family involvement. The exemplary practices that we as a Head Start program implement all connect to partnering and communicating with families. I regard parents as their child's first teacher. I believe that parents know their child much better than I do, and hold the key in impacting their child's education. I only have the child for one to two years - parents have them for a much longer time. My goal is to create lasting positive practices with parents to promote support, time, care, and nurturing for attachment with their child. The relationship of the family is enhanced when these factors are present.
It's extremely difficult to be supportive when you have parents that seem to have their priorities out of sync. I find it challenging to work with parents that are abrasive, loud, angry, and mean to their children. As a teacher, I think about the long term affects on the child from living in this kind of an environment. Trying to assist a parent to see life from their child's perspective is not an easy task. Many times, the parent is repeating life based on the kind of parenting received as a child. Breaking that cycle takes a great deal of support, reflection, trust, and learning that other options do exist.
Parents usually are blown away when they witness their child following through on tasks in the classroom. A common one is "I can never get my kid to clean up at home. How come in school she always help out?". This is my opening to take this parent into the world of possibilities. We talk about setting up routines, organizing the environment so children can assist to put things away independently, and providing a reminder that clean-up time is happening in five minutes so we can clean up before dinner (or whatever activity comes next). The time and energy put into this interaction can be the start of this parent opening up their mind to realize that there is another way to deal with the child. Parents can see that we do not use physical punishment in school in order to encourage children to do daily tasks.
The October 20 Exchange article titled "Bonnie's New Blog" touched on some of my thoughts shared about the Family Strengthening Summit. Debra Sullivan offered some thoughts about community, and asked the question, "How do we create these communities in our world today?", in reference to creating communities that are strong. Bonnie felt that the blog might be one of the ways to share information. The summit is another. Any possible way that programs can share their thoughts, practices, ideas, and successes with each other brings light to a number of people. We are all partners in this field of supporting children and families. I find great joy in learning something new...and have the same level of pleasure when I can share something in return.
On the October 22 Exchange, the quote from Mother Teresa summed the thought of family involvement perfectly. She stated "To keep a lamp burning we have to keep putting oil in it." I see the lamp as being the family and the oil as being the support provided to help them to keep "burning" bright.
One area that I find extremely interesting in Head Start is the effort places on leader development. Parents are welcomed to be involved in program design, approving policies and other vital areas of management. Parents make up the overall membership of Policy Council, a governing body of Head Start. Our program just had the first Policy Council meeting of 2009-10 school year this past week. The newly elected Chairperson already had one activity connected to her new role - we had a Risk Management meeting yesterday (Friday, Oct. 23) where she was part of a team teleconference with the San Francisco office. I was so impressed by her articulate manner and professionalism. I'm really excited to work with her during this term (one year). This is a federal monitoring year for my program, so her involvement as well as all the other parents, is critical to succeeding in the area of Governance. I'm really proud of her!
One more story to share regarding Policy Council. We had a mother last year on Policy Council as a center representative. She attended most every meeting and was extremely involved. Her life goal was to complete her GED. She completed this goal, and is now enrolled at Maui Community College working on a degree in Human Services. I wanted to feature this person as a success story in our agency Annual Report. When I asked her for an interview to draft her story, she very humbly could not believe why I selected her. After listening to her story ( which she disclosed personal information linked to various abuse in her lifetime as a child and adolescent) I was even more impressed at her tenacious spirit of survival. She credited her success to the Head Start program. She shared that is was "amazing and brilliant" to use parents in the capacity as decision makers for the program. She felt important, that her voice truly mattered. As a director, I felt a great sense of accomplishment for this mother and her family.
Some parents are not ready to walk through that door and give time and energy for the purpose of being involved. Others continue to give, regardless of their energy level. Our goal as program staff is to keep that door open and continue inviting parents to join in and participate. You never know when the oil will strike and the light goes on to say "yes, I'll be there" and actually show up, ready to engage.
In response to the comment from Jeanne: Yes - time is an issue for my staff as well. Disrupting the beliefs will take a great deal of effort, however I feel that teachers may not clearly see the value (lack of by-in) regarding the project approach. Many teachers gained knowledge in thematic approach - I'm one of them. Watching the Lillian Katz video offered me a different way to look at the project approach. I realized how valuable the entire process was for the child. Time constraints are more adult problems, not children problems. If the idea is framed in a way to allow teachers to see the overwhelming benefit for children, they might have better acceptance of this approach. Additional to this, administrators need to be supportive to say "the process of learning outweighs the product". This mantra would give teachers a clear message to take your time - like quality vs quantity. It's the quality of the curriculum and learning that matters most.
Regarding Head Start moving out of the thematic approach - I believe we're ready to make that move. Head Start support programs to individualize their own curriculum and have it reflected in their program. Parents approve the program curriculum - we use Creative Curriculum in my program. We can easily adopt the project approach and still use the Creative Curriculum model. I think it would enhance the classroom and celebrate learning of young children.
In this generation of immediate gratification, I think the project approach is most appropriate as a system to slow down and explore, discover, analyze, and learn.
The Lillian Katz video was shown by Julie Powers in her ED 264 (Inquiry with Young Children) class - I'm a student in her class. I'm enjoying the experience and learning so much! My education as a preschool teacher took place in 1988 - 1991. Today, there's new information to digest and I'm taking it all in. It's a celebration of learning!
In 2003, my program was assessed by individuals representing the Center for Social Policy. The end result of a one week review was a letter congratulating the program for meeting criteria necessary to be considered exemplary. My goal in attending this conference is to gain ideas from other programs that I can bring back to Maui and implement, or share with other partners. It's amazing how we, as professionals, connect and share ideas with the intent to spread a positive message throughout communities.
I attended this same summit in San Diego back in 2007. I learned that many states have changed the "Child Abuse and Prevention Month", to "Family Strengthening Month". I liked the feel of this title much better and offered it as a suggestion to some state representatives connected to supporting families. Unfortunately, they were not ready to embrace the same level of understanding that I had - so it remains child abuse and prevention.
Family Strengthening requires a high level of family involvement. The exemplary practices that we as a Head Start program implement all connect to partnering and communicating with families. I regard parents as their child's first teacher. I believe that parents know their child much better than I do, and hold the key in impacting their child's education. I only have the child for one to two years - parents have them for a much longer time. My goal is to create lasting positive practices with parents to promote support, time, care, and nurturing for attachment with their child. The relationship of the family is enhanced when these factors are present.
It's extremely difficult to be supportive when you have parents that seem to have their priorities out of sync. I find it challenging to work with parents that are abrasive, loud, angry, and mean to their children. As a teacher, I think about the long term affects on the child from living in this kind of an environment. Trying to assist a parent to see life from their child's perspective is not an easy task. Many times, the parent is repeating life based on the kind of parenting received as a child. Breaking that cycle takes a great deal of support, reflection, trust, and learning that other options do exist.
Parents usually are blown away when they witness their child following through on tasks in the classroom. A common one is "I can never get my kid to clean up at home. How come in school she always help out?". This is my opening to take this parent into the world of possibilities. We talk about setting up routines, organizing the environment so children can assist to put things away independently, and providing a reminder that clean-up time is happening in five minutes so we can clean up before dinner (or whatever activity comes next). The time and energy put into this interaction can be the start of this parent opening up their mind to realize that there is another way to deal with the child. Parents can see that we do not use physical punishment in school in order to encourage children to do daily tasks.
The October 20 Exchange article titled "Bonnie's New Blog" touched on some of my thoughts shared about the Family Strengthening Summit. Debra Sullivan offered some thoughts about community, and asked the question, "How do we create these communities in our world today?", in reference to creating communities that are strong. Bonnie felt that the blog might be one of the ways to share information. The summit is another. Any possible way that programs can share their thoughts, practices, ideas, and successes with each other brings light to a number of people. We are all partners in this field of supporting children and families. I find great joy in learning something new...and have the same level of pleasure when I can share something in return.
On the October 22 Exchange, the quote from Mother Teresa summed the thought of family involvement perfectly. She stated "To keep a lamp burning we have to keep putting oil in it." I see the lamp as being the family and the oil as being the support provided to help them to keep "burning" bright.
One area that I find extremely interesting in Head Start is the effort places on leader development. Parents are welcomed to be involved in program design, approving policies and other vital areas of management. Parents make up the overall membership of Policy Council, a governing body of Head Start. Our program just had the first Policy Council meeting of 2009-10 school year this past week. The newly elected Chairperson already had one activity connected to her new role - we had a Risk Management meeting yesterday (Friday, Oct. 23) where she was part of a team teleconference with the San Francisco office. I was so impressed by her articulate manner and professionalism. I'm really excited to work with her during this term (one year). This is a federal monitoring year for my program, so her involvement as well as all the other parents, is critical to succeeding in the area of Governance. I'm really proud of her!
One more story to share regarding Policy Council. We had a mother last year on Policy Council as a center representative. She attended most every meeting and was extremely involved. Her life goal was to complete her GED. She completed this goal, and is now enrolled at Maui Community College working on a degree in Human Services. I wanted to feature this person as a success story in our agency Annual Report. When I asked her for an interview to draft her story, she very humbly could not believe why I selected her. After listening to her story ( which she disclosed personal information linked to various abuse in her lifetime as a child and adolescent) I was even more impressed at her tenacious spirit of survival. She credited her success to the Head Start program. She shared that is was "amazing and brilliant" to use parents in the capacity as decision makers for the program. She felt important, that her voice truly mattered. As a director, I felt a great sense of accomplishment for this mother and her family.
Some parents are not ready to walk through that door and give time and energy for the purpose of being involved. Others continue to give, regardless of their energy level. Our goal as program staff is to keep that door open and continue inviting parents to join in and participate. You never know when the oil will strike and the light goes on to say "yes, I'll be there" and actually show up, ready to engage.
In response to the comment from Jeanne: Yes - time is an issue for my staff as well. Disrupting the beliefs will take a great deal of effort, however I feel that teachers may not clearly see the value (lack of by-in) regarding the project approach. Many teachers gained knowledge in thematic approach - I'm one of them. Watching the Lillian Katz video offered me a different way to look at the project approach. I realized how valuable the entire process was for the child. Time constraints are more adult problems, not children problems. If the idea is framed in a way to allow teachers to see the overwhelming benefit for children, they might have better acceptance of this approach. Additional to this, administrators need to be supportive to say "the process of learning outweighs the product". This mantra would give teachers a clear message to take your time - like quality vs quantity. It's the quality of the curriculum and learning that matters most.
Regarding Head Start moving out of the thematic approach - I believe we're ready to make that move. Head Start support programs to individualize their own curriculum and have it reflected in their program. Parents approve the program curriculum - we use Creative Curriculum in my program. We can easily adopt the project approach and still use the Creative Curriculum model. I think it would enhance the classroom and celebrate learning of young children.
In this generation of immediate gratification, I think the project approach is most appropriate as a system to slow down and explore, discover, analyze, and learn.
The Lillian Katz video was shown by Julie Powers in her ED 264 (Inquiry with Young Children) class - I'm a student in her class. I'm enjoying the experience and learning so much! My education as a preschool teacher took place in 1988 - 1991. Today, there's new information to digest and I'm taking it all in. It's a celebration of learning!
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Program Development and Te Whariki
Program development is regarded as the foundation of a quality program. Establishing the program vision and mission provides an important focus - the framework of systems to be built upon. I sincerely respect the statement made in our textbook on p. 212 which emphasized what Developmentally Appropriate Practice (DAP) is intended to establish. According to Bredekamp and Copple (1997), "The DAP position statement is not a program-based prescription; rather, it is an assertion that programs for young children should consider (a) present knowledge about child development and learning; (b) what we know about the strengths, needs, and interests of enrolled children, and (c) knowledge about the social and cultural contexts of the local community" (Decker, Decker, Freeman, and Knopf). The statement is critical as a springboard to developing mission and vision statements. It takes all elements into consideration - the child, the family, and the community. In order to begin the process of program development, guidelines in the form of procedures and policies need to be created and adopted. This will drive the program to its potential of meeting outcomes and goals. a director of a Head Start program, I am most familiar with the term "Performance Standards". I have not counted each one individually, however I have been total that Head Start has a total of 1,700 performance standards (perhaps more than that!). Each standard is designed to offer a directive or expectation that the program will adhere to in service delivery. The program standards include various sections: Child Health and Development, Families and Community Partnerships, Program Design and Management, ERSEA (Eligibility, Recruitment, Selection, Enrollment, Attendance), Disabilities, Governance, Human Resources, Fiscal, Transportation, and Facilities and Materials. Each area details guidance, providing a statement of expectation. Head Start recognizes that each community and program is unique and different. This is an important element of the Head Start program because resources vary from location to location. Each individual program designs their response to each performance standard based on their ability to be successful in implementing the expectation. In summary, although each Head Start has the same performance standards to follow, the delivery of service or how each standard is designed for compliance differs from one program to another. This offers a sense of flexibility and resourcefulness. I embrace this piece of individuality as being a precious factor of Head Start. The standardized performance standards is the foundation, yet we (the program) has the ability to create what the structures might look like.
What is equally important to the process is that parents, community partners, and staff have a role in creating the structures. Additional to this, if a structure or system is not working (based on ongoing monitoring and evaluation) it can be revised. The performance standard doesn't change, but our response on how we meet the standard can be changed. The level of flexibility allows programs to always strive towards quality, to implement continuous quality improvement, and to acknowledge that there is more than one way to reach a goal.
I sincerely believe in the projects approach. Too often (I'm fully responsible for doing this as a teacher) teachers rush through a theme for one week - concentrating on getting the message across in a hurry to go onto the next theme. The project approach provides time - time to engage into the subject of study, time to analyze, think about, explore, experience, discover, and most importantly learn. Have you ever had to justify the idea that young children can learn IEP (Individual Education Plan for children with special needs) goal in a natural environment to a DOE Sped Teacher that did not have ECE? I see this as a similar discovery as a teacher. Children will learn all the cognitive, motor, social/emotional, and speech/language skills of development naturally as they experience the project approach. We do not need to "teach" the alphabet, colors, numbers, shapes in individual themes - the learning occurs within the contents of the experience. We do not need to offer a special theme of being friends and how to get along, as the project approach encourages working together. I watched a video titled "Rearview Mirror" which was narrated by Lilian Katz. The video documented a teacher's experience of the project approach with the subject study of a car. The project lasted approximately six months. Although some teachers might feel that this is too long for a particular subject, the video offered evidence that children gained a multitude of experiences throughout the journey of discovery.
Inclusion - the option of providing a least restricted environment for children with special needs. I value this option with high regard for several reasons. As a Head Start director, I realize that this is one of two options available for families with a special needs child. That's quite limiting, however better than having only one option - which was true approximately 15 years ago. I have assisted parents to be advocates for their child in regards to placement decisions. Parents are their child's first teachers and they know their child best. In order to make a good decision of placement, parents should have the opportunity to visit both settings prior to selecting placement. Children with speech delays THRIVE in inclusion (or integrated) settings. I have witnessed other children benefit from being with normal developing peers and found the experience to impact both sides (child with and without special needs). Regular developing children gain a sense of empathy, caring for others in ways that come naturally for children. It's impressive to observe - so touching to watch how human instincts intuitively take place without being taught.
All children deserve to have a space that is safe, nurturing, and designed with an intent to provide learning opportunities that impact development of self awareness and skills. As administrators and teachers, we have the responsibility to incorporate this into the environments we create and offer, and into the interactions we engage in with children and families.
The reading of Te Whariki was phenomenal! I found the reading to capture an all-encompassing pedagogy regarding the entire child, the family, and the community. The leaders that created this system of early childhood curriculum took the essential elements of DAP and actually put it into practice. The curriculum factored in the culture and diversity of the people, and implemented their belief system throughout the document. So impressive - something that we in Hawaii can learn from. It leads me to think..."why didn't we come up with a document similar to this?". I'm sure it took a great deal of collaborating among the elders, professionals, and other pertinent individuals in the Ministry Advisory Group to create this curriculum. What strikes me is the level of detail - very simplistically stated, it's easy to read and understand. The values and their approach is presented in a structured way that cannot be misinterpreted. It is most evident that early childhood education is respected as important, as regarding high priority, within the government of New Zealand. Within this factor, you can also extract the priority of individualization, family, regard of responsible adults that impact young children and their education.
Regarding program planning, evaluation, and assessment, the document states that "There are many ways in which each early childhood service can weave the particular pattern that makes its programme different and distinctive" (Te Wariki, p. 28). This is similar to the Head Start performance standards that I reflected on earlier in my blog. I enjoy reading this method of information delivery so much more than other curriculum documents. The way the information is written - it's like a dance - so lyrical. I believe this is a reflection of the people; of the culture.
I plan to use this information in my work as a director, as it offers me many aspects to reconsider. I can see the overlap, how the information threads into areas familiar to the Head Start program...yet, the way the information is provided is less clinical, less sterile - more loving, more welcoming, more early childhood. a director of a Head Start program, I am most familiar with the term "Performance Standards". I have not counted each one individually, however I have been total that Head Start has a total of 1,700 performance standards (perhaps more than that!). Each standard is designed to offer a directive or expectation that the program will adhere to in service delivery. The program standards include various sections: Child Health and Development, Families and Community Partnerships, Program Design and Management, ERSEA (Eligibility, Recruitment, Selection, Enrollment, Attendance), Disabilities, Governance, Human Resources, Fiscal, Transportation, and Facilities and Materials. Each area details guidance, providing a statement of expectation. Head Start recognizes that each community and program is unique and different. This is an important element of the Head Start program because resources vary from location to location. Each individual program designs their response to each performance standard based on their ability to be successful in implementing the expectation. In summary, although each Head Start has the same performance standards to follow, the delivery of service or how each standard is designed for compliance differs from one program to another. This offers a sense of flexibility and resourcefulness. I embrace this piece of individuality as being a precious factor of Head Start. The standardized performance standards is the foundation, yet we (the program) has the ability to create what the structures might look like.
What is equally important to the process is that parents, community partners, and staff have a role in creating the structures. Additional to this, if a structure or system is not working (based on ongoing monitoring and evaluation) it can be revised. The performance standard doesn't change, but our response on how we meet the standard can be changed. The level of flexibility allows programs to always strive towards quality, to implement continuous quality improvement, and to acknowledge that there is more than one way to reach a goal.
I sincerely believe in the projects approach. Too often (I'm fully responsible for doing this as a teacher) teachers rush through a theme for one week - concentrating on getting the message across in a hurry to go onto the next theme. The project approach provides time - time to engage into the subject of study, time to analyze, think about, explore, experience, discover, and most importantly learn. Have you ever had to justify the idea that young children can learn IEP (Individual Education Plan for children with special needs) goal in a natural environment to a DOE Sped Teacher that did not have ECE? I see this as a similar discovery as a teacher. Children will learn all the cognitive, motor, social/emotional, and speech/language skills of development naturally as they experience the project approach. We do not need to "teach" the alphabet, colors, numbers, shapes in individual themes - the learning occurs within the contents of the experience. We do not need to offer a special theme of being friends and how to get along, as the project approach encourages working together. I watched a video titled "Rearview Mirror" which was narrated by Lilian Katz. The video documented a teacher's experience of the project approach with the subject study of a car. The project lasted approximately six months. Although some teachers might feel that this is too long for a particular subject, the video offered evidence that children gained a multitude of experiences throughout the journey of discovery.
Inclusion - the option of providing a least restricted environment for children with special needs. I value this option with high regard for several reasons. As a Head Start director, I realize that this is one of two options available for families with a special needs child. That's quite limiting, however better than having only one option - which was true approximately 15 years ago. I have assisted parents to be advocates for their child in regards to placement decisions. Parents are their child's first teachers and they know their child best. In order to make a good decision of placement, parents should have the opportunity to visit both settings prior to selecting placement. Children with speech delays THRIVE in inclusion (or integrated) settings. I have witnessed other children benefit from being with normal developing peers and found the experience to impact both sides (child with and without special needs). Regular developing children gain a sense of empathy, caring for others in ways that come naturally for children. It's impressive to observe - so touching to watch how human instincts intuitively take place without being taught.
All children deserve to have a space that is safe, nurturing, and designed with an intent to provide learning opportunities that impact development of self awareness and skills. As administrators and teachers, we have the responsibility to incorporate this into the environments we create and offer, and into the interactions we engage in with children and families.
The reading of Te Whariki was phenomenal! I found the reading to capture an all-encompassing pedagogy regarding the entire child, the family, and the community. The leaders that created this system of early childhood curriculum took the essential elements of DAP and actually put it into practice. The curriculum factored in the culture and diversity of the people, and implemented their belief system throughout the document. So impressive - something that we in Hawaii can learn from. It leads me to think..."why didn't we come up with a document similar to this?". I'm sure it took a great deal of collaborating among the elders, professionals, and other pertinent individuals in the Ministry Advisory Group to create this curriculum. What strikes me is the level of detail - very simplistically stated, it's easy to read and understand. The values and their approach is presented in a structured way that cannot be misinterpreted. It is most evident that early childhood education is respected as important, as regarding high priority, within the government of New Zealand. Within this factor, you can also extract the priority of individualization, family, regard of responsible adults that impact young children and their education.
Regarding program planning, evaluation, and assessment, the document states that "There are many ways in which each early childhood service can weave the particular pattern that makes its programme different and distinctive" (Te Wariki, p. 28). This is similar to the Head Start performance standards that I reflected on earlier in my blog. I enjoy reading this method of information delivery so much more than other curriculum documents. The way the information is written - it's like a dance - so lyrical. I believe this is a reflection of the people; of the culture.
I plan to use this information in my work as a director, as it offers me many aspects to reconsider. I can see the overlap, how the information threads into areas familiar to the Head Start program...yet, the way the information is provided is less clinical, less sterile - more loving, more welcoming, more early childhood.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Week of October 12
Contributing to the Profession - each one of us contribute to the profession in a variety of ways. The text reading offered such rich information, I felt compelled to read the NAEYC Code of Ethics. I felt such a sense of responsibility as I reviewed each statement in relationship to children, families, co-workers, and the community. I had moments of reflection, comparing daily events with several statements listed on the pages. I'm growing as a professional and as a director. I strive to fulfill my role as a guardian of a program serving young children and families. I take my position very seriously, as I know what consequences await if I decide to dilute efforts of quality practices. I felt a sense of renewal every time I review the code. It's so inspiring...
Speaking of feeling inspired, I REALLY enjoyed the HAEYC State Conference!! I attended the Friday, Oct. 9 Leadership Conference and found that sessions were in alignment with the conference theme! It was an excellent conference! It was the perfect way to start the weekend. I had a difficult Thursday (day before the conference). I was dealing with an ethical dilemma at work and needed to face the problem. My situation did not involve health or safety. In Head Start, parents vote for Policy Council representatives. I was directed to ask the families I serve to place a "vote" for individuals from other centers - these include parents from other centers that they don't know. I compared this to asking families to vote for a mayor, governor, or other county official that they don't have any information about. I concluded that it was not a good message to promote - not a practice that I want to teach my parents. If a request is forwarded to parents from me or my office, it's a direct reflection on me and my ethics. I take GREAT pride in setting a good example for families served by my program. The origin of this request came from an administrator that may have misinterpreted information, or received the information from someone that delivered misinformation. Without going into more detail, I can reassure you that I feel at peace with my decision to revise my request by asking families to vote for those they feel most comfortable electing as representatives. I did my research and contacted people that could provide me with the answers, with the facts that I need to make good decisions - to make the right decision.
Advocacy works best in numbers, but it starts with an idea of one person. The Sumsion reading pointed out how grassroots advocacy promotes "catalysts for significant change" (Ettlinger, 2004, pg. 25). Working for a Head Start program, I have witnessed this first hand. Parents are the best advocates I know because they speak from a professional perspective as their child's first teacher. Building confidence for parents to find their voice takes time - the result is priceless! Parents gain skills that last a lifetime - extending in advocating for themselves in addition to their children.
I found interest in the statement on page 7 of our reading, which presented the idea of working with governments. Sumsion wrote "By finding productive ways to work with governments to support and critique their agendas, we can increase our chances of moving activists into 'insider' positions (Dugdale, 1998). It's essential for community leaders to stay closely connected to legislative agendas - what are the priorities and how can we connect efforts of improving services for children and families. How can we sell our idea to lawmakers to create "intense community pressure" that might impact government policy? The recent recommendation to revise DHS licensing requirements will drive change of policy, offering an opportunity to discuss quality, compensation, and staff development.
Another experience regarding advocacy includes parents attending county budget hearings. Parents offer their own story as testimony, focused on how the Head Start program impacts their lives. Several stories are heart-wrenching to listen to, let alone to believe that it actually happened to the person sharing. The parents feel a sense of pride as they share, especially because they are survivors, and can make a difference by offering their experience. Their stories advocate for continued funding to support full day / extended year (wrap around services) for our program. I'm observing how parents are stepping in to voice their thoughts regarding the impact of DOE furlough days. Parents have a strong voice, especially when generated towards a common goal.
In response to last week's comments, I'll attempt to answer some of the inquires. I was born and raised on Maui - this is my home and I love our beautiful islands. As teachers of young children, we are so fortunate to have this space to compliment our work.
I focused on professionalism and establishing boundaries between co-workers. I have to sincerely express that this does not mean the void of establishing caring relationships between co-workers. I know my staff have strong friendships together and I celebrate that as a director. It promotes a caring environment which enhances the nurturing in classrooms - directly impacting young children. My caution was to keep a personal boundary to keep the relationship intact. To quote the 10/6 Exchange Every Day message titled "The Nurturing Boss", the "Gallup's research reveals that many of the most successful managers boast of being 'very close to their employees." I am extremely close to many of my staff - because I care and I value the work they do with young children. My staff have the capacity to touch children and families on a daily basis. The work that I do helps to facilitate this. How can I tell if my intent to care is actually relayed as an authentic value seen by my staff? I believe that the answer is in the Oct. 8 Exchange message of "Retention Interviews". It's early intervention / prevention before staff reach a point of resentment and decides to leave. I conduct an annual assessment which is similar to the recommendation shared. Some questions included in my survey ask if staff feel that their input is incorporated within the program, and if they feel that they are valued as contributing to the success of the program - each question offered the chance to respond "why or why not?". Each response is accepted as a tool for me to learn from. I enter with an open mind, ready to accept that not every response will compliment practices from managers. I avoid taking information personally - instead I choose to utilize the information as a means to make quality improvements that can benefit the whole - myself included.
Speaking of feeling inspired, I REALLY enjoyed the HAEYC State Conference!! I attended the Friday, Oct. 9 Leadership Conference and found that sessions were in alignment with the conference theme! It was an excellent conference! It was the perfect way to start the weekend. I had a difficult Thursday (day before the conference). I was dealing with an ethical dilemma at work and needed to face the problem. My situation did not involve health or safety. In Head Start, parents vote for Policy Council representatives. I was directed to ask the families I serve to place a "vote" for individuals from other centers - these include parents from other centers that they don't know. I compared this to asking families to vote for a mayor, governor, or other county official that they don't have any information about. I concluded that it was not a good message to promote - not a practice that I want to teach my parents. If a request is forwarded to parents from me or my office, it's a direct reflection on me and my ethics. I take GREAT pride in setting a good example for families served by my program. The origin of this request came from an administrator that may have misinterpreted information, or received the information from someone that delivered misinformation. Without going into more detail, I can reassure you that I feel at peace with my decision to revise my request by asking families to vote for those they feel most comfortable electing as representatives. I did my research and contacted people that could provide me with the answers, with the facts that I need to make good decisions - to make the right decision.
Advocacy works best in numbers, but it starts with an idea of one person. The Sumsion reading pointed out how grassroots advocacy promotes "catalysts for significant change" (Ettlinger, 2004, pg. 25). Working for a Head Start program, I have witnessed this first hand. Parents are the best advocates I know because they speak from a professional perspective as their child's first teacher. Building confidence for parents to find their voice takes time - the result is priceless! Parents gain skills that last a lifetime - extending in advocating for themselves in addition to their children.
I found interest in the statement on page 7 of our reading, which presented the idea of working with governments. Sumsion wrote "By finding productive ways to work with governments to support and critique their agendas, we can increase our chances of moving activists into 'insider' positions (Dugdale, 1998). It's essential for community leaders to stay closely connected to legislative agendas - what are the priorities and how can we connect efforts of improving services for children and families. How can we sell our idea to lawmakers to create "intense community pressure" that might impact government policy? The recent recommendation to revise DHS licensing requirements will drive change of policy, offering an opportunity to discuss quality, compensation, and staff development.
Another experience regarding advocacy includes parents attending county budget hearings. Parents offer their own story as testimony, focused on how the Head Start program impacts their lives. Several stories are heart-wrenching to listen to, let alone to believe that it actually happened to the person sharing. The parents feel a sense of pride as they share, especially because they are survivors, and can make a difference by offering their experience. Their stories advocate for continued funding to support full day / extended year (wrap around services) for our program. I'm observing how parents are stepping in to voice their thoughts regarding the impact of DOE furlough days. Parents have a strong voice, especially when generated towards a common goal.
In response to last week's comments, I'll attempt to answer some of the inquires. I was born and raised on Maui - this is my home and I love our beautiful islands. As teachers of young children, we are so fortunate to have this space to compliment our work.
I focused on professionalism and establishing boundaries between co-workers. I have to sincerely express that this does not mean the void of establishing caring relationships between co-workers. I know my staff have strong friendships together and I celebrate that as a director. It promotes a caring environment which enhances the nurturing in classrooms - directly impacting young children. My caution was to keep a personal boundary to keep the relationship intact. To quote the 10/6 Exchange Every Day message titled "The Nurturing Boss", the "Gallup's research reveals that many of the most successful managers boast of being 'very close to their employees." I am extremely close to many of my staff - because I care and I value the work they do with young children. My staff have the capacity to touch children and families on a daily basis. The work that I do helps to facilitate this. How can I tell if my intent to care is actually relayed as an authentic value seen by my staff? I believe that the answer is in the Oct. 8 Exchange message of "Retention Interviews". It's early intervention / prevention before staff reach a point of resentment and decides to leave. I conduct an annual assessment which is similar to the recommendation shared. Some questions included in my survey ask if staff feel that their input is incorporated within the program, and if they feel that they are valued as contributing to the success of the program - each question offered the chance to respond "why or why not?". Each response is accepted as a tool for me to learn from. I enter with an open mind, ready to accept that not every response will compliment practices from managers. I avoid taking information personally - instead I choose to utilize the information as a means to make quality improvements that can benefit the whole - myself included.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Week of October 5
Professionalism is an important skill as a teacher of young children and as an administrator. Adopting ethical practices means to elect choices that benefit children and families; those that maintain health and safety for children, shows respect and acceptance for families, and the ability to know when to create boundaries. Establishing limits when working with children and families can challenge individuals to question how far to go in providing support. Setting up a system of agreements for a preschool provides clear expectations. Staff have a better chance of building relationships with families and with each other as co-workers.
Agreements, in the form of professional standards, can include a list of practices for staff to follow. Some ideas may include the following:
Maintain and establish a professional relationship, avoiding a relationship on a personal level which includes intimacy.
Avoid using foul language during work hours.
I once experienced a situation involving two employees - a teacher and a teacher's assistant. The teacher's assistant was experiencing financial difficulty, so she would frequently ask the teacher to use various personal items including her washing machine, her dryer, and her truck. One day, she asked to borrow a large sum of money to purchase a gift for her son. When the assistant failed to pay the teacher back the money as promised, the teacher felt it necessary to bring the situation to my attention. This could have been avoided if the teacher maintained a professional boundary with the assistant. This takes a high level of objectivity. When looking at the big picture, the consequences of engaging in personal relationship can result in hurt feelings, resentment, and at times, legal ramifications.
Establishing professional boundaries does not mean being a person who doesn't care - it means looking for alternate means of support or providing community resource options without becoming personally involved. It also means knowing when to request for assistance before the situation gets out of control.
I think one of the most difficult hurdles for teachers to manage is the ability to walk away from work without carrying the load of responsibility. This is especially true for teachers working with children from potentially dysfunctional homes. Teachers feel the need to protect children - at times wanting to take children home with them. This is not an easy task, yet we each need to reach a place where we can accomplish this. When discussing these feelings with staff, I explain that we can only control the environment and situation when the child is in school. As teachers, we can provide a consistent, happy, safe, fun environment for children. Regarding home, we can do our best to offer support to parents. If staff have information to suspect child abuse or neglect, we have the responsibility as mandated reporters to file a report ASAP. If, at the end of the day, we can walk away from our classrooms knowing that we did the best we can for children on that day...we have accomplished our goal. At this point, it's time to go home to our own families and take care of them. This is another situation that requires our direct attention. We can only be present for our own children (or spouses, or significant other) if we are able to let-go of work, and focus on their needs...or on our own needs as individuals.
Mental health wellness is extremely important for teachers and administrators. In many situations, teachers and directors can be pushed to challenging limits. There's so much to think about, so many balls to juggle at one time. How does one balance so many expectations? It's important for directors to monitor work hours, work load, and situations of teachers to maintain a healthy work environment and morale. It all connects back to professionalism.
You have to know yourself in order to maintain ethical principals. A true professional is someone with unwavering integrity. Directors are role models to staff, leading by example. If the person in charge is not a strong professional, there's a high probability that staff will receive mixed messages that can create an unhealthy space for children and adults.
Agreements, in the form of professional standards, can include a list of practices for staff to follow. Some ideas may include the following:
Maintain and establish a professional relationship, avoiding a relationship on a personal level which includes intimacy.
Avoid using foul language during work hours.
I once experienced a situation involving two employees - a teacher and a teacher's assistant. The teacher's assistant was experiencing financial difficulty, so she would frequently ask the teacher to use various personal items including her washing machine, her dryer, and her truck. One day, she asked to borrow a large sum of money to purchase a gift for her son. When the assistant failed to pay the teacher back the money as promised, the teacher felt it necessary to bring the situation to my attention. This could have been avoided if the teacher maintained a professional boundary with the assistant. This takes a high level of objectivity. When looking at the big picture, the consequences of engaging in personal relationship can result in hurt feelings, resentment, and at times, legal ramifications.
Establishing professional boundaries does not mean being a person who doesn't care - it means looking for alternate means of support or providing community resource options without becoming personally involved. It also means knowing when to request for assistance before the situation gets out of control.
I think one of the most difficult hurdles for teachers to manage is the ability to walk away from work without carrying the load of responsibility. This is especially true for teachers working with children from potentially dysfunctional homes. Teachers feel the need to protect children - at times wanting to take children home with them. This is not an easy task, yet we each need to reach a place where we can accomplish this. When discussing these feelings with staff, I explain that we can only control the environment and situation when the child is in school. As teachers, we can provide a consistent, happy, safe, fun environment for children. Regarding home, we can do our best to offer support to parents. If staff have information to suspect child abuse or neglect, we have the responsibility as mandated reporters to file a report ASAP. If, at the end of the day, we can walk away from our classrooms knowing that we did the best we can for children on that day...we have accomplished our goal. At this point, it's time to go home to our own families and take care of them. This is another situation that requires our direct attention. We can only be present for our own children (or spouses, or significant other) if we are able to let-go of work, and focus on their needs...or on our own needs as individuals.
Mental health wellness is extremely important for teachers and administrators. In many situations, teachers and directors can be pushed to challenging limits. There's so much to think about, so many balls to juggle at one time. How does one balance so many expectations? It's important for directors to monitor work hours, work load, and situations of teachers to maintain a healthy work environment and morale. It all connects back to professionalism.
You have to know yourself in order to maintain ethical principals. A true professional is someone with unwavering integrity. Directors are role models to staff, leading by example. If the person in charge is not a strong professional, there's a high probability that staff will receive mixed messages that can create an unhealthy space for children and adults.
Sunday, October 4, 2009
In reflection - my response...
This is my response to comments shared this week. First of all, thank you for sharing your thoughts and insight!
It was interesting to observe the limited turn-over of staffing during this past school year. I welcomed one staff back to work for our program - she left the program approximately two years ago. Reason - she had a baby and REALLY wanted to work for the DOE because she felt that the pay was small. Well, she came back to apply for an open position and was completely happy to be back. She missed working with the children and feels that the pay was quite good in comparison to other locations. As for the DOE, she shared that it wasn't what she was expecting. Good for us, as she is a great teacher!
I think that majority of the teaching staff remain working for Head Start because they have a passion to make a difference in the lives of children. I think the reason is directly linked to community and relationships. The teachers have a strong desire to make an impact with children and families. For some of these individuals - especially true for staff that was once Head Start parents - it's a desire to give back to the community.
For all professionals in the field, I commend each and every person for electing to be a teacher of young children. This is not an easy career choice, however it is one of the most rewarding! Whatever the connection to remain in this field, it is a strong, very dedicated commitment.
I have to state that the staff are also happy working for an organization (agency) that sincerely cares about them as employees; offering a safe and healthy work environment. Staff have the opportunity to share their concerns, needs, ideas, and have them considered for program improvement or implementation. This is also another reason why staff retention happens.
Regarding technology for staff development, the advantage is on-line classes. This opportunity is offering me the chance to work on my degree. Without the UHWO online courses, I would need to look at other online courses that might be more costly. The bottom line is - in technology comes wonderful accessibility to gather information at our fingertips. It can also be a dangerous tool, exposing a wide variety of information that can fall into criminal hands.
I agree - limited staff is definitely something that can impact safety. DHS has assigned adult to child ratios for that reason. Classroom environment organization, staff positioning, and other factors play into the element of safety. Staff need to be attentive and direct their efforts into the children and activities. I have witnessed centers with two adults and twenty children - the staff worked together like a well-oiled engine - I call it synergy. It's as if they could read each others minds as teachers. This takes time to develop; for the relationship to reach this level of teamwork. It's truly amazing to witness as a director - I feel a sense of pride as I observe my staff in action. I believe that the work we do is interdependent of each other - I cannot do my work without the support of the teachers, and I believe they require the same level of support from administration. It's a partnership.
It was interesting to observe the limited turn-over of staffing during this past school year. I welcomed one staff back to work for our program - she left the program approximately two years ago. Reason - she had a baby and REALLY wanted to work for the DOE because she felt that the pay was small. Well, she came back to apply for an open position and was completely happy to be back. She missed working with the children and feels that the pay was quite good in comparison to other locations. As for the DOE, she shared that it wasn't what she was expecting. Good for us, as she is a great teacher!
I think that majority of the teaching staff remain working for Head Start because they have a passion to make a difference in the lives of children. I think the reason is directly linked to community and relationships. The teachers have a strong desire to make an impact with children and families. For some of these individuals - especially true for staff that was once Head Start parents - it's a desire to give back to the community.
For all professionals in the field, I commend each and every person for electing to be a teacher of young children. This is not an easy career choice, however it is one of the most rewarding! Whatever the connection to remain in this field, it is a strong, very dedicated commitment.
I have to state that the staff are also happy working for an organization (agency) that sincerely cares about them as employees; offering a safe and healthy work environment. Staff have the opportunity to share their concerns, needs, ideas, and have them considered for program improvement or implementation. This is also another reason why staff retention happens.
Regarding technology for staff development, the advantage is on-line classes. This opportunity is offering me the chance to work on my degree. Without the UHWO online courses, I would need to look at other online courses that might be more costly. The bottom line is - in technology comes wonderful accessibility to gather information at our fingertips. It can also be a dangerous tool, exposing a wide variety of information that can fall into criminal hands.
I agree - limited staff is definitely something that can impact safety. DHS has assigned adult to child ratios for that reason. Classroom environment organization, staff positioning, and other factors play into the element of safety. Staff need to be attentive and direct their efforts into the children and activities. I have witnessed centers with two adults and twenty children - the staff worked together like a well-oiled engine - I call it synergy. It's as if they could read each others minds as teachers. This takes time to develop; for the relationship to reach this level of teamwork. It's truly amazing to witness as a director - I feel a sense of pride as I observe my staff in action. I believe that the work we do is interdependent of each other - I cannot do my work without the support of the teachers, and I believe they require the same level of support from administration. It's a partnership.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Reflections for week of September 28
I can sincerely relate with the Chapter 5 reading this week. Our program experienced a series of staff shortages for approximately two years. It felt like staff were entering and leaving through a revolving door. The current economic situation has changed this for many programs that struggled with staff retention. We welcomed three new staff to our roster for the 2009-2010 program year - one was a newly created position. All other staff (approximately 55) are returning staff. This is phenomenal!! When new staff transition into the program, managers need to allow time for a the individual to acclimate into the Head Start world of policies, procedures, and federal paperwork. Returning staff means that managers can now work on other aspects of staff development, fine tuning various areas specific to quality interactions, environment and setting, parent involvement, working with children with special needs, etc.
Head Start programs are required to conduct a wage comparative study that reflect local programs within the service area. I'm in the process of collecting data right now to complete this process. Once the data is collected, I work closely with my agency's HR Director to determine what the salary scale will look like for my program. My goal is to identify the highest paid program, the lowest paid program, and those in between. Head Start wants to offer competitive wages, so I gear our salaries to fall in between the highest and lowest. Many directors are not comfortable to share the information of staff wages. This can create a barrier to reach my goal of creating an accurate study. This year, I collaborated with the Maui County Early Childhood Resource Coordinator to create a wage study for Maui County. The report, which reflects wages that were averaged, and does not list program names to maintain confidentiality, supported my effort to complete this task. The bonus is that I obtained by-in from the programs, and we were able to share the report with other programs to implement for their own use. Win-win - makes for great partnerships in the community. So important!!!
November 2009 will mark my year four of being a director. According to our text, the "Stages Given by Anthony" on page 91 indicate that I'm in "Stage 3: Leading and Balancing". Learning how to lead is a process. If you're too soft and compassionate, sometimes staff will walk all over you. If you're too strict, sometimes staff will consider you unapproachable. Balancing is key - I use my practice that I implemented in the classroom as a teacher - firm and loving. Staff, like children, thrive on routine. I want my staff to be able to approach me with any topic, issue, concern, and know that I'm always available to listen. My goal is to encourage staff to become independent thinkers, and to feel confident in their abilities. I want their voices to be heard, and for them to know what a tremendous impact they have in the lives of young children. I have learned SO MUCH during my first three years, and I will continue to grow and learn as an administrator of an early childhood program. Some days are easier than others - but everyday is completely rewarding!
Regarding the benefits for staff, I am concerned with the lack of a well designed retirement plan. My agency offers great benefits for staff - we have a 401K plan. This is fine, however I'm wondering if it's enough for individuals to plan for a comfortable retirement. As for the present time, even the state is beginning to dissect the retirement benefits for union workers. As it stands, the state provides a great retirement benefit package - however it's currently in scrutiny due to the economic situation.
Head Start programs are required to conduct a wage comparative study that reflect local programs within the service area. I'm in the process of collecting data right now to complete this process. Once the data is collected, I work closely with my agency's HR Director to determine what the salary scale will look like for my program. My goal is to identify the highest paid program, the lowest paid program, and those in between. Head Start wants to offer competitive wages, so I gear our salaries to fall in between the highest and lowest. Many directors are not comfortable to share the information of staff wages. This can create a barrier to reach my goal of creating an accurate study. This year, I collaborated with the Maui County Early Childhood Resource Coordinator to create a wage study for Maui County. The report, which reflects wages that were averaged, and does not list program names to maintain confidentiality, supported my effort to complete this task. The bonus is that I obtained by-in from the programs, and we were able to share the report with other programs to implement for their own use. Win-win - makes for great partnerships in the community. So important!!!
November 2009 will mark my year four of being a director. According to our text, the "Stages Given by Anthony" on page 91 indicate that I'm in "Stage 3: Leading and Balancing". Learning how to lead is a process. If you're too soft and compassionate, sometimes staff will walk all over you. If you're too strict, sometimes staff will consider you unapproachable. Balancing is key - I use my practice that I implemented in the classroom as a teacher - firm and loving. Staff, like children, thrive on routine. I want my staff to be able to approach me with any topic, issue, concern, and know that I'm always available to listen. My goal is to encourage staff to become independent thinkers, and to feel confident in their abilities. I want their voices to be heard, and for them to know what a tremendous impact they have in the lives of young children. I have learned SO MUCH during my first three years, and I will continue to grow and learn as an administrator of an early childhood program. Some days are easier than others - but everyday is completely rewarding!
Regarding the benefits for staff, I am concerned with the lack of a well designed retirement plan. My agency offers great benefits for staff - we have a 401K plan. This is fine, however I'm wondering if it's enough for individuals to plan for a comfortable retirement. As for the present time, even the state is beginning to dissect the retirement benefits for union workers. As it stands, the state provides a great retirement benefit package - however it's currently in scrutiny due to the economic situation.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Reply to Jeanne's comment
Reply to Jeanne's comment: Rules and regulations are black and white. In program administration, there has to be gray areas that allow for flexibility. Situations will present itself that require additional consideration. The limitations of set rules and regulations are helpful in the way that it offers guidelines for administrators to have as a baseline. It's important for administrators to have experience as teachers to anticipate what the gray areas might look like. It is also a recommendation to have a committee of teachers involved in this process to add ideas, experiences, and other pertinent knowledge to the overall planning.
Regarding the political arena, I sincerely wish that education was not linked to this aspect of bureaucracy,but it definitely is strongly attached. One major frustration is what you stated in your comment/question: policymakers are directing laws and practices without any consideration to include professional input. Programs are helpless and fall victim to these decisions. Right now, the furlough situation with teachers is causing chaos for working families. The affect of Gov. Lingle's decision is impacting a larger group of people. One decision has a way of compounding so much more as time progresses. In the longrun, the cost might be more than the deficit itself.
I am totally supportive of my staff speaking out on behalf of issues. The only critical piece is that the message they are advocating for it in alignment with what the agency or the program is focused on. It would be uncomfortable for the teachers to be airing their thoughts opposite of the program. I've seen it happen with union division and it can cause a great deal of dysfunction between teachers and administration. In my experience as an administrator, the voice of reason has been collectively similar with regards to teachers and administrators. Before taking any sides, it's important for teachers and administrators to discuss issues to share thoughts, facts, and conclusions. From that point, staff hopefully can reach a shared vision to focus on and advocate as one voice. Historically, this seems to be the best way of approaching lawmakers. Being separate in our efforts has proven to be unsuccessful.
Regarding the political arena, I sincerely wish that education was not linked to this aspect of bureaucracy,but it definitely is strongly attached. One major frustration is what you stated in your comment/question: policymakers are directing laws and practices without any consideration to include professional input. Programs are helpless and fall victim to these decisions. Right now, the furlough situation with teachers is causing chaos for working families. The affect of Gov. Lingle's decision is impacting a larger group of people. One decision has a way of compounding so much more as time progresses. In the longrun, the cost might be more than the deficit itself.
I am totally supportive of my staff speaking out on behalf of issues. The only critical piece is that the message they are advocating for it in alignment with what the agency or the program is focused on. It would be uncomfortable for the teachers to be airing their thoughts opposite of the program. I've seen it happen with union division and it can cause a great deal of dysfunction between teachers and administration. In my experience as an administrator, the voice of reason has been collectively similar with regards to teachers and administrators. Before taking any sides, it's important for teachers and administrators to discuss issues to share thoughts, facts, and conclusions. From that point, staff hopefully can reach a shared vision to focus on and advocate as one voice. Historically, this seems to be the best way of approaching lawmakers. Being separate in our efforts has proven to be unsuccessful.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Week of September 21, 2009
Aloha Friends,
It was a crazy Monday - which is usually the case, no matter how well I plan. It's usually the unplanned that stirs up situations that require my undivided attention. One of my staff (a lead teacher) needed to stay one hour after ending her workday due to a parent that over-slept and did not pick up her children (2 siblings). After several attempts to contact others on her authorized pick-up list, which were unsuccessful, the only resort left to contemplate was to contact police due to abandonment. In my heart, I was equally concerned about mom - where the heck was the woman and why is she not responding to her cell phone calls?? The situation grew in frustration on so many levels. I think that most impacting was the uncertainty of what would happen to the children in her absence. I did not want the police to remove the children, however my options were limited.
Mom finally showed up after one hour of missing in action. She was quite apologetic, especially to the teacher. I anticipate contacting her tomorrow to reiterate how important it is to add more individuals onto her pick-up list...and another lesson learned - make sure to have a street address just in case you need to ask police to check on a mom that may have overslept at home. A director has hundreds of "balls" to juggle, trying hard to not allow any of them to drop. Decisions, considerations, ethical or not...every single move requires a process of weighing options. Decker's "clean and sequential ideas of administration" may not cover what to do in situations like the one I experienced today. Would you have contacted the police or just waited until mom woke up? This is a tough call and one that I don't take lightly. My own personal goal is to assess each family through their actions. This is not a judgment, but a means to determine if a child is safe at home with the parent, or if an intervention support is needed. As a Head Start program, we cannot (I cannot) turn my head in another direction when situations like this are presented. Parents need to be held accountable for their actions, and their responsibility as parents require being present. If a parent cannot be present, they need to have a plan "B" in place as back-up. The consequence impacts their child's sense of security - a hefty price to pay. My role as director is to insure that each child has a safe home. I have called Child Protective Services to make reports in the past. This is not an easy task and can leave a person feeling sick. When I weigh my options, I always visit my inner gut feeling - that quite voice that talks you through the toughest of times. When my intuition says to call, I move on that thought. At this point, I would have already considered all facts presented before me. My goal is not to remove the child from the home - it's to bring light to a situation that is dark; to hopefully be the catalyst to guide a family to be present and attentive to the needs of their children.
The Head Start program is GREAT! I love the way systems help to support families and children. There is a frustrating side to Head Start - in my opinion, it's the fact that the program is directly embedded with political connections. I always felt that early childhood and politics do not mix - and I still feel that way. For those of you involved in the ELC (Early Learning Council) process, you are fully aware of how politics and early childhood can impact the whole. In my opinion, adults - namely lawmakers, each have their own personal focus on where funds are earmarked to be spent. Programs designed for children and families should not be placed in a position to justify itself, yet it is - time after time - despite all the research, reports, data, and statistics available. Early childhood professionals have been battling this message for years, and we are still in a position to prove the importance of quality education for birth to 8.
Going back to Head Start, we do have a large following of staff across the United States. Head Start operates on a grassroots approach. Parents are encouraged to become advocates for their child and for the program. Parents are recognized as their child's first teacher, therefore respected to offer a great deal of knowledge to teachers and to the overall program. When an effort requires attention, parents are utilized as a means to get the point across. I have seen this process work time and time again. In the case of the NRS (National Reporting System) testing, I saw staff and administrators speaking out. Piece by piece, the message grows in energy and takes on a life of its own. It turns into a living, breathing entity, determined to interject change. The NRS situation was successful, however this outcome is not always the case. In several circumstances, the last say remains with the "Secretary", which in Head Start terms is the President of the United States, or the law as written as the Head Start Act of 2007. This lengthy document (you almost need a degree in law to understand the language) details the most recent re-authorization of the Head Start program.
As complex as the Head Start program can be, I still feel a sense of pride to be part of this amazing effort. Several factors remain intact, including parent involvement and child focus. When my intent is channeled towards these particular areas, I gain a renewed sense of dedication as an administrator. I realize that my role is greater than the political inconveniences and vow to work through any barriers presented. What I receive in the end is a means to operate a program to the best of my abilities. Even days like today are precious - it keeps me in check, accountable to each child and family entrusted to my care.
It was a crazy Monday - which is usually the case, no matter how well I plan. It's usually the unplanned that stirs up situations that require my undivided attention. One of my staff (a lead teacher) needed to stay one hour after ending her workday due to a parent that over-slept and did not pick up her children (2 siblings). After several attempts to contact others on her authorized pick-up list, which were unsuccessful, the only resort left to contemplate was to contact police due to abandonment. In my heart, I was equally concerned about mom - where the heck was the woman and why is she not responding to her cell phone calls?? The situation grew in frustration on so many levels. I think that most impacting was the uncertainty of what would happen to the children in her absence. I did not want the police to remove the children, however my options were limited.
Mom finally showed up after one hour of missing in action. She was quite apologetic, especially to the teacher. I anticipate contacting her tomorrow to reiterate how important it is to add more individuals onto her pick-up list...and another lesson learned - make sure to have a street address just in case you need to ask police to check on a mom that may have overslept at home. A director has hundreds of "balls" to juggle, trying hard to not allow any of them to drop. Decisions, considerations, ethical or not...every single move requires a process of weighing options. Decker's "clean and sequential ideas of administration" may not cover what to do in situations like the one I experienced today. Would you have contacted the police or just waited until mom woke up? This is a tough call and one that I don't take lightly. My own personal goal is to assess each family through their actions. This is not a judgment, but a means to determine if a child is safe at home with the parent, or if an intervention support is needed. As a Head Start program, we cannot (I cannot) turn my head in another direction when situations like this are presented. Parents need to be held accountable for their actions, and their responsibility as parents require being present. If a parent cannot be present, they need to have a plan "B" in place as back-up. The consequence impacts their child's sense of security - a hefty price to pay. My role as director is to insure that each child has a safe home. I have called Child Protective Services to make reports in the past. This is not an easy task and can leave a person feeling sick. When I weigh my options, I always visit my inner gut feeling - that quite voice that talks you through the toughest of times. When my intuition says to call, I move on that thought. At this point, I would have already considered all facts presented before me. My goal is not to remove the child from the home - it's to bring light to a situation that is dark; to hopefully be the catalyst to guide a family to be present and attentive to the needs of their children.
The Head Start program is GREAT! I love the way systems help to support families and children. There is a frustrating side to Head Start - in my opinion, it's the fact that the program is directly embedded with political connections. I always felt that early childhood and politics do not mix - and I still feel that way. For those of you involved in the ELC (Early Learning Council) process, you are fully aware of how politics and early childhood can impact the whole. In my opinion, adults - namely lawmakers, each have their own personal focus on where funds are earmarked to be spent. Programs designed for children and families should not be placed in a position to justify itself, yet it is - time after time - despite all the research, reports, data, and statistics available. Early childhood professionals have been battling this message for years, and we are still in a position to prove the importance of quality education for birth to 8.
Going back to Head Start, we do have a large following of staff across the United States. Head Start operates on a grassroots approach. Parents are encouraged to become advocates for their child and for the program. Parents are recognized as their child's first teacher, therefore respected to offer a great deal of knowledge to teachers and to the overall program. When an effort requires attention, parents are utilized as a means to get the point across. I have seen this process work time and time again. In the case of the NRS (National Reporting System) testing, I saw staff and administrators speaking out. Piece by piece, the message grows in energy and takes on a life of its own. It turns into a living, breathing entity, determined to interject change. The NRS situation was successful, however this outcome is not always the case. In several circumstances, the last say remains with the "Secretary", which in Head Start terms is the President of the United States, or the law as written as the Head Start Act of 2007. This lengthy document (you almost need a degree in law to understand the language) details the most recent re-authorization of the Head Start program.
As complex as the Head Start program can be, I still feel a sense of pride to be part of this amazing effort. Several factors remain intact, including parent involvement and child focus. When my intent is channeled towards these particular areas, I gain a renewed sense of dedication as an administrator. I realize that my role is greater than the political inconveniences and vow to work through any barriers presented. What I receive in the end is a means to operate a program to the best of my abilities. Even days like today are precious - it keeps me in check, accountable to each child and family entrusted to my care.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Reflections for week of Sept. 14, 2009
After reading "Early Childhood Education and Care as a Community Service or Big Business?", I feel extremely blessed to being employed by a non-profit agency dedicated to serving young children and their families. Head Start is a federally funded program focused on serving low income families and young children certified with special needs. The procedure of establishing eligibility has its checks and balances to insure that each application is processed fair and accurately.
The article focused on programs that have a bottom line of seeing our field as a lucrative venture. They have lost sight of the importance that separates quality care from not caring at all (about the children, families, and staff). Working parents can easily fall prey to establishments that provide a service, however it lacks ethical values. I believe, if given a choice, parents would select a program that provides qualified staff, adequate materials for children to explore, and all other factors that make a program one of quality. I honestly believe that having a focus to make money is not a negative thing - it's realistic to want to be successful in a business. What makes me feel uncomfortable about the article is the way corporations are marketing the business to make themselves rich in a selfish way. If funds were reinvested into the program to benefit children, staff, and families - this would create a balance. By cutting services, hours, or stripping the program of essential supplies, this is stealing from the program's potential. It's obvious that these "corporate" individuals never looked in the eyes of a child to know what it's like to be a teacher.
I wanted to comment on the "Pressure-cooker Kindergarten" Exchange message dated 9/8/09. Head Start once had a "test" titled NRS - National Reporting System. This test was administered in the fall to collect a baseline, and again at the end of the program year (Spring) to obtain a measurement of progress. The test was only administered to children transitioning to Kindergarten. The Head Start community despised this test - it was completely inappropriate, asking young children questions that many of them did not know the answer to. Many individuals believed that this was a means to diminish the Head Start program by the Bush Administration - using the information as proof that Head Start was not a successful program; after all - the test was difficult and complex, so how many children would actually answer all questions correctly. There was even a section that resembled a complex math problem regarding a pie cut into wedges. Children were asked how many slices were left if one was given to fictitious children. I remember having children look at me like "what in the world are you talking about?". I felt like I wanted to say - never mind - let's go look for something fun to do together - like getting a real pie and eating it. We can count the pieces for real, instead of playing this unfair game.
The Head Start community voiced their opinion LOUDLY! Community advocates and early childhood professionals spoke out in protest to the NRS. Another thorn in the side of many Head Start administrators was the fact that this project cost an enormous amount of money, which could have been allocated to increase funds for program improvements, staff salaries, expansion of more Head Start programs - the list could go on! In the end, the Head Start community won. In 2007, the NRS was no longer a requirement, producing a sigh of relief throughout the nation.
I have heard from parents and other professionals that Kamehameha Schools has an entry "test" that children complete to qualify for placement. I'm not sure how accurate the information is, however I have been told that parents get themselves so worked out about this process that they pressure their children to pass. This is such a sad state to be in - especially because it's really not that important in comparison to the child's feelings of self worth and competence.
Another interesting read from Exchange was "Biting Solutions" from 9/10/09. I chuckled to myself when I read the statement, "As directors of early learning programs, we have to deal with a myriad of issues on a daily basis." This lead me to think about one in particular, which is a very sensitive subject for parents and teachers (and directors) - it's masturbation. I have witnessed several children that relax their bodies using a form of rubbing themselves on pillows before falling asleep. It never bothered me personally - I did not want to bring attention to the child that this was "wrong". On several occasions, the child's mother walked into the classroom at the start of rest time and witnessed her child relaxing himself. She was very embarrassed and, after we had a discussion about her son's habit, asked me to help him stop. Although this is a totally separate issue from biting, I wanted to share this in my blog to see if anyone else has experience with this sort of situation. If yes, please share your story and what you did - how did you respond to the parent and what actions (if any) did you take with the child?
In closing, I want to answer a few questions that Jeanne had for me from last week. Head Start was designed (in my opinion) to empower parents. The structure of Head Start is built on the understanding that parents have a voice, and they do. Parents are involved in program design, providing information ranging from curriculum ideas to establishing goals for their child. We promote parents to always ask questions, to be involved in their child's education. We want parents to speak up and know that their voices make a difference. Parents are their child's first teacher - a cliche for many perhaps - but in Head Start, this is respected and practiced as a mantra. Parents are leaders in the program by being on Policy Council (shared decision governing board) or as an officer in the parent committee. So many opportunities to be involved and successful at being involved. As an administrator, I need to monitor activities to insure that parents HAVE a voice. This means no rubber stamping of approvals - parents are at the table providing input, having a say, and not being told how to vote or what to think. Parents can see right through you - they know when a person is sincere and wants to be supportive. I have witnessed parents that started out as shy individuals, grow into confident, strong men and women. So exciting to see the transformation of empowerment!!
The war on poverty was real in 1965, and history has a way of repeating we are in 2009 and it's still a war we continue to fight. It's so sad that millions of dollars are spent on military defense efforts - when we have so many families and young children that are homeless, without food, and struggling to survive. I know that many people have strong feelings about this statement, so I'll leave it as is in respect to others that might share or disagree in my thought. For many that live in poverty, choices are limited to what you can get based on the resources available. Individuals with money can buy what they want and need to fulfillment, based on the amount of income they have. The more money, the more they can purchase, the more various and options available. The lack of money, the least they can purchase, and options become scarce or nonexistent. Head Start was designed to provide children of low income households a means to obtain a "head start" before kindergarten - to experience an educational setting to gain basic developmental skills in preparation for school success. Parents played a tremendous role in Head Start, and they still do until today. I believe this was done intentionally, to offer families the opportunity to grow as nurturing individuals in support of their child. Head Start is actually a family development program.
In closing, your final inquiry was regarding New Zealand and what the US might learn from them regarding being voted the most peaceful country in the world. It would be highly beneficial to study practices from New Zealand and adopt several into the US. It would mean making changes, it would mean implementing systems that are different and that might make some feel uncomfortable. In the longrun, it would mean a more peaceful place to live and raise communities that help one another. The US is competitive and wants to be recognized as the most powerful. As a nation, seeking peace for the world has to start at home, then resonate outward to others. We have a great deal to learn from New Zealand and change is inevitable in order to promote peace.
The article focused on programs that have a bottom line of seeing our field as a lucrative venture. They have lost sight of the importance that separates quality care from not caring at all (about the children, families, and staff). Working parents can easily fall prey to establishments that provide a service, however it lacks ethical values. I believe, if given a choice, parents would select a program that provides qualified staff, adequate materials for children to explore, and all other factors that make a program one of quality. I honestly believe that having a focus to make money is not a negative thing - it's realistic to want to be successful in a business. What makes me feel uncomfortable about the article is the way corporations are marketing the business to make themselves rich in a selfish way. If funds were reinvested into the program to benefit children, staff, and families - this would create a balance. By cutting services, hours, or stripping the program of essential supplies, this is stealing from the program's potential. It's obvious that these "corporate" individuals never looked in the eyes of a child to know what it's like to be a teacher.
I wanted to comment on the "Pressure-cooker Kindergarten" Exchange message dated 9/8/09. Head Start once had a "test" titled NRS - National Reporting System. This test was administered in the fall to collect a baseline, and again at the end of the program year (Spring) to obtain a measurement of progress. The test was only administered to children transitioning to Kindergarten. The Head Start community despised this test - it was completely inappropriate, asking young children questions that many of them did not know the answer to. Many individuals believed that this was a means to diminish the Head Start program by the Bush Administration - using the information as proof that Head Start was not a successful program; after all - the test was difficult and complex, so how many children would actually answer all questions correctly. There was even a section that resembled a complex math problem regarding a pie cut into wedges. Children were asked how many slices were left if one was given to fictitious children. I remember having children look at me like "what in the world are you talking about?". I felt like I wanted to say - never mind - let's go look for something fun to do together - like getting a real pie and eating it. We can count the pieces for real, instead of playing this unfair game.
The Head Start community voiced their opinion LOUDLY! Community advocates and early childhood professionals spoke out in protest to the NRS. Another thorn in the side of many Head Start administrators was the fact that this project cost an enormous amount of money, which could have been allocated to increase funds for program improvements, staff salaries, expansion of more Head Start programs - the list could go on! In the end, the Head Start community won. In 2007, the NRS was no longer a requirement, producing a sigh of relief throughout the nation.
I have heard from parents and other professionals that Kamehameha Schools has an entry "test" that children complete to qualify for placement. I'm not sure how accurate the information is, however I have been told that parents get themselves so worked out about this process that they pressure their children to pass. This is such a sad state to be in - especially because it's really not that important in comparison to the child's feelings of self worth and competence.
Another interesting read from Exchange was "Biting Solutions" from 9/10/09. I chuckled to myself when I read the statement, "As directors of early learning programs, we have to deal with a myriad of issues on a daily basis." This lead me to think about one in particular, which is a very sensitive subject for parents and teachers (and directors) - it's masturbation. I have witnessed several children that relax their bodies using a form of rubbing themselves on pillows before falling asleep. It never bothered me personally - I did not want to bring attention to the child that this was "wrong". On several occasions, the child's mother walked into the classroom at the start of rest time and witnessed her child relaxing himself. She was very embarrassed and, after we had a discussion about her son's habit, asked me to help him stop. Although this is a totally separate issue from biting, I wanted to share this in my blog to see if anyone else has experience with this sort of situation. If yes, please share your story and what you did - how did you respond to the parent and what actions (if any) did you take with the child?
In closing, I want to answer a few questions that Jeanne had for me from last week. Head Start was designed (in my opinion) to empower parents. The structure of Head Start is built on the understanding that parents have a voice, and they do. Parents are involved in program design, providing information ranging from curriculum ideas to establishing goals for their child. We promote parents to always ask questions, to be involved in their child's education. We want parents to speak up and know that their voices make a difference. Parents are their child's first teacher - a cliche for many perhaps - but in Head Start, this is respected and practiced as a mantra. Parents are leaders in the program by being on Policy Council (shared decision governing board) or as an officer in the parent committee. So many opportunities to be involved and successful at being involved. As an administrator, I need to monitor activities to insure that parents HAVE a voice. This means no rubber stamping of approvals - parents are at the table providing input, having a say, and not being told how to vote or what to think. Parents can see right through you - they know when a person is sincere and wants to be supportive. I have witnessed parents that started out as shy individuals, grow into confident, strong men and women. So exciting to see the transformation of empowerment!!
The war on poverty was real in 1965, and history has a way of repeating we are in 2009 and it's still a war we continue to fight. It's so sad that millions of dollars are spent on military defense efforts - when we have so many families and young children that are homeless, without food, and struggling to survive. I know that many people have strong feelings about this statement, so I'll leave it as is in respect to others that might share or disagree in my thought. For many that live in poverty, choices are limited to what you can get based on the resources available. Individuals with money can buy what they want and need to fulfillment, based on the amount of income they have. The more money, the more they can purchase, the more various and options available. The lack of money, the least they can purchase, and options become scarce or nonexistent. Head Start was designed to provide children of low income households a means to obtain a "head start" before kindergarten - to experience an educational setting to gain basic developmental skills in preparation for school success. Parents played a tremendous role in Head Start, and they still do until today. I believe this was done intentionally, to offer families the opportunity to grow as nurturing individuals in support of their child. Head Start is actually a family development program.
In closing, your final inquiry was regarding New Zealand and what the US might learn from them regarding being voted the most peaceful country in the world. It would be highly beneficial to study practices from New Zealand and adopt several into the US. It would mean making changes, it would mean implementing systems that are different and that might make some feel uncomfortable. In the longrun, it would mean a more peaceful place to live and raise communities that help one another. The US is competitive and wants to be recognized as the most powerful. As a nation, seeking peace for the world has to start at home, then resonate outward to others. We have a great deal to learn from New Zealand and change is inevitable in order to promote peace.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Reflections based on Exchange Every Day (Week of 9/7/09)
Aloha fellow early childhood educators!
I sincerely enjoy reading the daily email messages from Exchange. I especially appreciate the quotes - I use them as a tool of motivation for my staff.
A little about me - I'm a director of Maui Economic Opportunity, Inc (MEO) Head Start. The program is funded for 298 children, and the agency is a non-profit community action program. I plan to design a more comprehensive blog (with photos and a narrative to share more about my life) once I return back from a vacation. I'm current in Las Vegas - I experienced my first full-blown concert with pyrotechnics - I saw Nickelback in concert at the MGM. Amazing!! I return tomorrow and will use this weekend to design, or better yet - individualize, my blog.
Getting back to the various readings from Exchange, I want to comment on several items that cause my attention.
I was not surprised to read that New Zealand (8/27/09) received recognition as the most peaceful country in the world. It is an extremely beautiful place - it's picturesque views remind me of Hawaii. I have never been there, however I know that it's one location that I long to visit. I have a past employee that was a nanny for a family several years ago. She accompanied the family on a two-week trip to New Zealand and brought back photos of her time there. It was absolutely breathtaking! Prior to seeing the photos, I had no idea that this could is a place that I would long to visit. One day....
My heart sank as I reviewed the list of least peaceful countries, especially as I thought about the families that reside in these locations. For the majority of these individuals, they lack the resources to make changes in their environment, therefore are "stuck" in a place that fails to provide a sense of security for children, elderly, adults - basically every single human being. Children are exposed to a stressful lifestyle on a daily basis. Although part of their everyday life, one cannot help by wish for something better. Walking in a neighborhood safely, playing at a local playground, going shopping at an open market - all these simple acts of recreation is not so easily accessible for those that live in these countries. I need to keep these thoughts are the forefront of my mind to lack taking these activities for granted.
Another thought is that the United States did not make the top nine list. I failed to conduct a search to see where we fall on the list, however I do know that our country is not the most and not the least. I will do my best to encouraging peace in hopes that it will make a difference. I believe it does, which fuels my passion to respect human rights and resolve conflict without violence.
Another message I want to comment on is the one titled "Disparities in Development Persist" (9/2/09). As a director of a Head Start program, I am dedicated to providing a quality child development program for children of lower-income families. The Head Start program was designed specifically to create a system to support families to increase protective factors that leverage disparities.
Head Start supports families to obtain a medical home for their child, meaning that the family has a pediatrician that they can access on a regular basis for medical attention. Immunizations, physicals, and dental exams with oral health treatments are monitored for completion.
The program links parents up with various community resources to design a plan for those that want to continue their education. Many parents have not completed high school, so obtaining a GED may be a first step. For others, creating a link to Maui Community College to determine a possible starting point to returning back to school may provide a means of increasing income to achieve self-sufficiency. Another goal attached to this factor is an increased awareness of how important education can be to an individual - especially to this parent's child. Adults that appreciate education are role models for their children, and also hold a higher value of promoting education for their child.
All elements contribute to parents building a secure and nurturing attachment to their children.
In my work as a Head Start director, I recently had an "aha" moment regarding how important our program is to many families. I already had a grounded sense of understanding, which is most logical, that being the fact that parents that qualify for services will receive preschool care for their child free of charge. While considering the many options offered to families that can pay for services, I realized that families can elect to send their child to a Montessori program, a Christian based program, a Hawaiian language immersion program, etc. Families that apply for Head Start do not have a choice of what kind of program they are shopping for, meaning that the program needs to resemble a "one size fits all" program. The significance to me is that the program needs to meet the various needs of each family, that the staff working for my program has to remain open minded, and that families need to have a voice in the program - and we need to have compassionate understanding to listen with respect.
Head Start has a heavy focus on parent involvement. Parents assist to design lesson plans, curriculum planning, and individual plans for their child. This is how the program can be morphed into one that reflects currently enrolled families. This is what makes Head Start uniquely different than other programs. Every option is valuable, important, and has a place in our community and world.
I sincerely enjoy reading the daily email messages from Exchange. I especially appreciate the quotes - I use them as a tool of motivation for my staff.
A little about me - I'm a director of Maui Economic Opportunity, Inc (MEO) Head Start. The program is funded for 298 children, and the agency is a non-profit community action program. I plan to design a more comprehensive blog (with photos and a narrative to share more about my life) once I return back from a vacation. I'm current in Las Vegas - I experienced my first full-blown concert with pyrotechnics - I saw Nickelback in concert at the MGM. Amazing!! I return tomorrow and will use this weekend to design, or better yet - individualize, my blog.
Getting back to the various readings from Exchange, I want to comment on several items that cause my attention.
I was not surprised to read that New Zealand (8/27/09) received recognition as the most peaceful country in the world. It is an extremely beautiful place - it's picturesque views remind me of Hawaii. I have never been there, however I know that it's one location that I long to visit. I have a past employee that was a nanny for a family several years ago. She accompanied the family on a two-week trip to New Zealand and brought back photos of her time there. It was absolutely breathtaking! Prior to seeing the photos, I had no idea that this could is a place that I would long to visit. One day....
My heart sank as I reviewed the list of least peaceful countries, especially as I thought about the families that reside in these locations. For the majority of these individuals, they lack the resources to make changes in their environment, therefore are "stuck" in a place that fails to provide a sense of security for children, elderly, adults - basically every single human being. Children are exposed to a stressful lifestyle on a daily basis. Although part of their everyday life, one cannot help by wish for something better. Walking in a neighborhood safely, playing at a local playground, going shopping at an open market - all these simple acts of recreation is not so easily accessible for those that live in these countries. I need to keep these thoughts are the forefront of my mind to lack taking these activities for granted.
Another thought is that the United States did not make the top nine list. I failed to conduct a search to see where we fall on the list, however I do know that our country is not the most and not the least. I will do my best to encouraging peace in hopes that it will make a difference. I believe it does, which fuels my passion to respect human rights and resolve conflict without violence.
Another message I want to comment on is the one titled "Disparities in Development Persist" (9/2/09). As a director of a Head Start program, I am dedicated to providing a quality child development program for children of lower-income families. The Head Start program was designed specifically to create a system to support families to increase protective factors that leverage disparities.
Head Start supports families to obtain a medical home for their child, meaning that the family has a pediatrician that they can access on a regular basis for medical attention. Immunizations, physicals, and dental exams with oral health treatments are monitored for completion.
The program links parents up with various community resources to design a plan for those that want to continue their education. Many parents have not completed high school, so obtaining a GED may be a first step. For others, creating a link to Maui Community College to determine a possible starting point to returning back to school may provide a means of increasing income to achieve self-sufficiency. Another goal attached to this factor is an increased awareness of how important education can be to an individual - especially to this parent's child. Adults that appreciate education are role models for their children, and also hold a higher value of promoting education for their child.
All elements contribute to parents building a secure and nurturing attachment to their children.
In my work as a Head Start director, I recently had an "aha" moment regarding how important our program is to many families. I already had a grounded sense of understanding, which is most logical, that being the fact that parents that qualify for services will receive preschool care for their child free of charge. While considering the many options offered to families that can pay for services, I realized that families can elect to send their child to a Montessori program, a Christian based program, a Hawaiian language immersion program, etc. Families that apply for Head Start do not have a choice of what kind of program they are shopping for, meaning that the program needs to resemble a "one size fits all" program. The significance to me is that the program needs to meet the various needs of each family, that the staff working for my program has to remain open minded, and that families need to have a voice in the program - and we need to have compassionate understanding to listen with respect.
Head Start has a heavy focus on parent involvement. Parents assist to design lesson plans, curriculum planning, and individual plans for their child. This is how the program can be morphed into one that reflects currently enrolled families. This is what makes Head Start uniquely different than other programs. Every option is valuable, important, and has a place in our community and world.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Practice post
I'm completely blown away at the opportunity to share thoughts, ideas, experiences, etc. via this venue! Today I went to Hana with some community partners to assist in an effort to set up an infant/toddler program. It was rewarding to make a contribution with peers that will ultimately make a difference for young children and their families.
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